Chapter 12

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Alana's POV

I woke up feeling the comfiest and warmest I have ever been. I felt like I had slept for a long time and for once I felt rested like I had a full night's sleep. I wonder if mum got a new mattress because the bed is usually bumpy. I'm not complaining though this one is cosy, and the blanket is so soft. I lay there for a little while before my body wanted to get up so I let my eyes open and then the memories of yesterday and the previous few days hit me when I see the room I was in and the crib I was placed in. They really are going to treat me like a baby aren't they I though to myself. I sat up and looked at what I was dressed in. I wanted to cringe at the babyish onzie I have on and the fact that I could feel that I was still wearing a diaper.

I stood up and grabbed onto the bars on the crib. When I finally got my balance, I had a sudden urge to pee, I must get out of here and find a toilet. The top bar comes to my chin, and I think I will be able to climb over. I try to pull myself up but it's hard to find a grip with the bars being smooth and this stupid onzie was not helping but I was finally able to get my leg up and over the bar but now that I am up here it is a long way down, well for my hight it is anyway. I make sure that my grip is firm on the bar before lifting my other leg over and gently sliding down as far as I can but of course I am still a little high from the floor and have to chance it and let go. I land with a slight thud and pause hoping no one heard me. Much to my dismay I heard footsteps heading my way, so I scramble for a place to hide.

Spotting a large bean bag surrounded by teddies I take my chance and hide behind it in the corner because if I sit on the floor that bag would surely hide me. Just as I get myself sat down, I hear the door open, but I am not sure who it is that has come in. "Alana baby where are you? You can't climb out your crib it is too dangerous" It's the lady from last night I recognise her voice. "Come out Alana" she says but no way am I moving from my hiding stop, it is clear she can not see me and I want it to be kept that way.

Maria's POV

I was lying in bed just relaxing and feeling content for the first time in a very long time. My thoughts were all over the place but they were all happy and it made me smile. Antonio had left five minutes ago to shower and prepare for the day, I don't know what he is preparing for because he said that he would rest for a few days so we can have family time and get Alana settled. Just as I am thinking about things we can all do today I hear a small thud come from the nursery, so I pick up the baby monitor and see that my little trouble maker has climbed out of her crib, I tut while getting up and make my way over to get her ready for the day. With the monitor still in hand I see her look at the door and scurry to the other end of the room hiding behind the beanbag and teddies.

I can't help but chuckle at her and decide to play along. "Alana baby where are you? You can't climb out your crib it is too dangerous" I say trying to keep the amusement out of my voice, "Come out Alana" I try saying hoping she will come but nothing, no movement, response, nothing at all. I put the monitor down on the dock to charge it and decide to play her game, so I look round the room saying things like "well, there is no one here" and "where has my baby hidden". I leave the corner she is in until last but before I can go over I hear a voice behind me startling me. "What is going on love?" Antonio says coming over and kidding my neck. "Oh, nothing dear, just playing hide and seek with Alana" I say giving him that look saying play along, and I pointed over to the corner she is hiding in. I lean up and whisper in his ear, "I think she is scared, so I have tried to make it like I am playing with her" before turning back around and saying out loud "I don't know where our baby is, I'm so sad I was looking forward to lots of cuddles, oh and those lovely chocolate pancakes that will be ready downstairs, hmmm you know how lovely and yummy they are" hoping this will catch her attention.

It works but I don't know If it was the mention of cuddles or the pancakes, but she slowly peaks over the beanbag looking very nervous with unshed tears in her eyes. "Alana love what's wrong?" I ask while I slowly walk up to her and kneel in front hoping she will feel less intimidated. Alana just stares at me then looks up at Antonio then back to me. "Why?" she asks in a whisper. "Why what?" I am confused, I know she does not want this and wants to go home to Italy, but I don't want her to leave and it's harsh, but she will never leave me, I am her mother now. "Why cuddles?" she asks, what does she mean why cuddles? Why would I give or want to give I don't know what she is asking. "I don't know what you mean Lana baby" "I don't get cuddles, mum says people are too busy to give cuddles" oh my poor baby, not only did she not get the nutrients she needed but love too. "Everyone gets and deserves cuddles love, even this bug grump over there" I say as I get up and walk over to him giving him a big squeeze just to show that I mean it.

Alana stands up and gently makes her way over to us. "May..I..Um" she looks like she wants to ask but is too nervous to, maybe worried about our reactions I don't know. "What do you want love?" I ask kneeling down and Antonio follows, "Can I have a cuddle" she asks before stepping away and squeezing her eyes closed. I smile at her question but frown at the reaction after but let it go for now. "Of course you can, I will always give you a cuddle when you want or need one" "and so will I baby girl" Antonio says with a concerned look on his face but with a nudge from me replaces it with a smile. I open my arms and wait for her to look up again.

Alana's POV

I couldn't tell if this lady was playing with me our really couldn't fine me. I was glad I hadn't been found but her voice made me want to come out then I heard him, he had entered the room and now I had two of them here to hide from. After a few moments the lady mentioned about wanting to give lots of cuddles and something about pancakes not that I know what they are, but I was intrigued by the cuddles part of the conversation. My mum always said that I was too old for hugs and that adults are too busy to be cuddling each other and that is why I never got any. I use to love my mums hugs but then she stopped and said that I didn't deserve them anymore I was too old and she was too busy.

It was enough to get me out my hiding place and when I seen them both standing there, they didn't look intimidating, or dangerous but happy and relaxed and she took her time with me. The minute I came out I know they could have grabbed me and continued on with their days but instead she sat with me and told me that everyone gets hugs and even showed me with him. The smile he gave her when she hugged him was genuine and it made me feel sad that I hadn't had that in a long time, so I came out of my hiding spot and slowly walked over. I really wanted a cuddle but I was too scared to ask but I have to. "May..I..Um" I started but then began to think what if it was all a ploy to get me up and out of hiding or what if she decided to laugh in my face and say im too old for them like my mum would. I think they see my hesitation as they both kneel down in front of me and Maria I think her name was asks what I want so I go for it and ask if I can have a cuddle but once I ask I get really scared and step away while closing my eyes scared of their reaction for asking.

When I open my eyes after nothing being said, Maria had a genuine smile on her face and her arms are open, like she is inviting me in for the cuddle I asked if I could have. "Come here love" she says while moving her arms in a come here motion. I stare for a moment before slowly walking up to her and once I'm in arms reach, she gently grabs onto me and pulls me into a hug. Maria is warm and comfy to hug, and I feel safe here at this moment before she gently pulls me away and tucks some of my hair behind my ear and I just stare into her eyes which hold nothing but happiness in them. My eye contact is broken when her husband speaks, "Can I please get a hug too", Maria gasps before saying "Hear that baby, he used manners, Antonio used manners the world is ending", she gasps out making me giggle at her silliness.

So Antionio is his name, I can stop calling him doofis now. "Oh hush now love" he says before turning back to me with his arms open. I suppose I could since he asked nicely, but I'm unsure of him still and this whole situation but I guess I did feel safe with him yesterday despite how things had tuned out. I look up at him and slowly take a step towards him where he brings me in for a cuddle just like Maria did the only difference was after a moment he stood up with my still in his arms. 

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