Chapter 30

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Antonio's POV

Once we got outside to the pool, I could see Maria and my parents sitting on the outdoor sofas while the boys were racing each other in the pool. I walk over to the sofas setting Lana down on her feet but not even a second later I hear her, "Daddy up-up" she says reaching her arms up, "Ok princess up you come" I pick her back up and sit down beside my wife. "Aren't you just the cutest in your little polka-dot swimsuit" Maria says before taking her from me and kissing all over her face. "Mummy 'topppppp" I hear my little girl giggle away "Who is the cutest?" Maria asks Lana who is squealing from being attacked by kisses "Meee mommyyy meeeee" I laugh at the pair of them as Maria stops and brings Lana back up to a sitting position. "Daddy swim?" Lana asks as she tilts her head slightly to the side making her look just adorable, "Ok princess lets go" I stand up and lift her up heading over to the pool. At the edge of the pool, we have a ramp going into the water, so it makes it easy to walk in with Lana still in my arms.

As I begin to walk in the boys make their ways over to us and I feel Alana tighten her hold around my neck "You are ok, I won't drop you I promise" I say as I rub her back reassuringly. The water is cool, not too cold but not warm either and by the time the water is at my waist Alana shrieks. "Cold daddy" "I know but once you are in you will warm up quickly I promise" she shakes her head no at me "Do you trust daddy" I ask and I get a nod "Ok then I am going to keep going and it will be cold but not for long ok" "Ok daddy" I continue to walk in with Lana holding on tightly and shaking slightly as the water reaches higher on her. Once I am in the water fully I walk around the shallow area waiting for the water to warm us up where we are already wet and after a moment Lana bends down and brushes her hand over the surface of the water before putting it under then flicking her hand up which caused the water to splash Xander right in the face. "Uh-oh" Lana says as she looks over at Xander as he wipes his face free of the water. "All good sweetheart but now I get to do it back" he says as he stalks forward flicking a little bit at her making her squeal. We spend a good hour in the pool with the boys playing around with Lana and we even taught her to swim a little with us supporting her but by the time we hit the hour mark you could tell she was getting tired. "You have done such a good job learning how to swim haven't you" "Yes, yes, yes" "Should we get out now?" "Yes daddy, cold" "Okay princess"

I take us to the edge of the pool where the ramp is and begin to walk up before heading over to Maria who has the towels beside her. "Pass me my baby" she all but demands as she holds open her towel for her to wrap round her, I do as I am told and hand her over before grabbing my own and wrapping it around me. "Let's go get you into some warm evening clothes" Maria says before disappearing to get Lana changed.

Maria's POV

It has been a lovely afternoon sitting by the pool watching my children and husband play in the pool, it is a nice sight to see. I don't know what happened earlier but from what Luca said my poor baby was really upset and I know Antonio will let me know what happened later, but it is nice to see her having fun in the pool. The boys are so gentle with her, and you can see how much they adore her. When she was splashing them, not a lot of water was able to make it to them but they made it seem like they were being drowned, it was very amusing to see but the main thing as they all seemed to have fun. I could see after awhile the Lana was getting tired, resting her head more against her daddy so I was not surprised when he decided to get out with her.

I grabbed her towel and opened it up, "Pass me my baby" I demand, and he does. I wrap my little girl up in her towel and feel her shiver. "Let's go get you into some warm evening clothes" I say before walking into the house. "jammas mummy?" "You want your Pyjamas on baby?" she nods her head and rests it against my shoulder, "It's a little early are you sure?" only response I get is a nod of the head, "Okay baby girl, let's go get you a quick bath then your pj's on." I walk up the stairs, into our bathroom and begin to run a quick bath to help her warmup and get her hair clean from the pool. As the bath is filling up, I place Lana down and help her out of her swim suite before turning the bath off and putting her in. I made quick but gentle work of washing her hair and body before taking her out again. I wrap her up in a new dry towel and we make our way into the bedroom to grab her clothes.

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