Chapter 2

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Antonio's POV

I woke this morning in an awful mood, so many emails to go through, issues with shipments, my sons and wife straying further apart from each other and there wasn't nothing I could do about it and then to top it all off I received yet another call from Lionel. The sleaze bad has been trying to get into good graces with me and my family for some time now and always has something up his sleeve and I wonder what it is this time round.

"Lionel what do you want this time I really am not in the mood for your dirty deals today.", "Sorry Don but I do believe I have something worth your while this time round, please just meet with me this one last time and if it is not up to your standards then I will NEVER contact you again and that is a Promise I will not break." He says down the phone sounding very chuffed with himself. I think for a moment before I give him my reply, "I don't want to entertain this and the only reason I will is with the promise you never contact me again, what's the address?" I say in the coldest bored tone I could muster.

After writing the address and time down I sit with my coffee and get some emails done before I make the journey to meet him. I have to say he's dragging me a fair distance out of the way in the middle of nowhere. This better be worth my time but knowing him it's not but as I said to him on the phone this is only so he will finally leave me be. After a few hours its finally time for me to leave so I call my 2 right hand men to get the car ready and we are on our way. It's a long 3-hour journey to where the address is so I make use of the time by dealing with more emails on my laptop.

Once I arrive, I can see we are surrounded by a forest and there looks to be an abandoned looking sawmill where Lionel is standing next to with his van not far either. I get out and he approaches me with that stupid grin on him face.

"Don, thank you for coming as I said earlier on the phone, I believe this one will be worth the visit for sure" he says as he begins to walk towards the van and for some reason this piqued my interest. Clearly, he has someone in that van but who is the question, maybe an enemy we have tried to get a hold of, but they have managed to disappear unnoticed, but I can say for sure I did not expect him to turn round and start talking about a little girl in his van. Why does he have a child in his van? What has he been up to. He then went on to talk about the fact that my wife and I lost our newborn daughter to being born premature and her little body just was not able to cope on its own or even with the machines. This made me mad, and I was so close to beating the shit out of him but then he went on to quickly talk about her and her condition and family life while opening the van door and the little girl I saw there took my breath away. She had beautiful brown eyes and long brown hair. Very small and not just in size but it was clear she was under weight, and I bet this fucker didn't even feed her on this journey.

After more words were passed, I demanded he unlock her from the chain and I was quick to pick her up, she was as light as a feather and wasted no time in shouting at me "PUT ME DOWN" she screams but I can tell it's not threw anger no, she is scared and she may be trying to hide it but I can see it in her eyes, being the Don of a mafia and one of the biggest has helped me see the emotions running through people. Shouting was a no go so I have her a firm slap on the thigh and told her that shouting would not be tolerated while she pushed back from me clearly trying to get some space but I could feel her leaning to far back I hold her tighter to me with my other hand which she tensed at but went quiet so I finished of my conversation with Lionel in his mother tongue which happens to be Italian. I prefer to speak English but can speak others if need be and right now I do not want her hearing this conversation.

I agreed that she was worth coming for and we agreed on a fee for him getting her and bringing her here. Once all this was over with, I turned and started to walk away telling her it was time to head home and it happened, I knew it was going to happen, she shouted and thrashed in my hold on the verge of a panic attack. I didn't want to but had no other option now and decided it was best to sedate her and that is what we did before putting her into the car seat that was already in my car from when we thought we would bring our baby girl home and we are just an adopted one instead. I can't wait until my wife and boys meet her, she is going to melt their hearts at least that is what I hope she will do and maybe even being our distant family closer together.

Once Alana was out cold, I cuddled her close while I made my way to the other side of the car to strap her in.

"Don, she is beautiful,"

"A rare find that is for sure,"

My most trusted men say to me as I get myself seated in the car next her. "I know, and I can't wait for my wife to meet her, you know how much she has wanted a daughter and can't have one now, but now we have Alana and I think she is going to fit in just fine." They both agreed with me and we all went silent while I got back to work on some emails and also ordering some bits and bobs for my precious little girl. 

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