Chapter 40

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Maria's POV

The past week has been great with having everyone together again. Ant's parents looked around and found a lovely little bungalow to buy which is only 15 minutes away and will be moving there at the end of next week which they are excited to do. Don't get me wrong I know they love it here with everyone, but they are at the age where they just want their own space which is completely understandable. The boys have been transferred to the local college and high school to finish off the year and will be starting next week. It was easy to get them enrolled since they had only just started not long ago, and it is only November now. Just thinking about it being November I realise that Lana has been with us for almost 2 months which brings a smile to my face.

Ant has dived into his work in his office trying to clean up the mess from back home and get everything sorted so he can work from here so he is in his office a lot at the moment during the day and sometimes late at night but he always comes and makes sure he spends time with Lana or sometimes if he is doing paperwork or emails he will come get her and she will sit with him for a bit while I do stuff needing done. Speaking of Lana, she is currently in front of me playing with some big lego blocks trying to build a house with my help. She has gone very quiet since the whole incident and her appetite has been rather poor, she refused to eat most of the time but will gladly take bottles of milk and she wont sleep unless she is cradled in our arms along with other things that really young children do so this is making us think that she has slipped into a younger headspace of a year or younger.

We were not overly concerned about her for the first few days but now it's been at least a week we are now concerned and have the doctor coming over in an hour to give her a check over. She looks healthy and is very happy and bubbly but with her lack of communication and solid food appetite we just want to be safe than sorry. I am brought out my thoughts hearing Lana squeal and begin to laugh and look at her to see Xander has picked her up and had lifted her in the air making airplane noised while moving her side to side. "You be careful with my baby" I say in a stern but amused tone. I know he would never drop her but it's a mother's instinct to say it regardless of the trust she has in those around her child even if it is family.

"Oh is mummy worried I will drop the little princess, oh no I would never, but maybe..." he says in a babyish voice before slightly dropping her and catching her making more squeals and giggles come out of her "See I caught you" "XANDER CAREFUL" I fret out, he repeats the action 2 more times before setting her back down on the floor to play with her lego again. "I could hurt you right now for scaring me like that" "Sorry mum but she loved it" "Still scares me" all I get is a smirk in return before he saunters out the room again. "He is such a bad boy isn't he honey" I say tickling her sides making her laugh at me.

"What are my 2 favourite girls doing? I heard a lot of giggling" Ant says coming over and picking Lana up who cuddles into him straight away. "Xander was holding her in the air and dropping her slightly making her laugh" I say after getting a kiss before sitting down on the sofa having had enough of the floor. "Oh, was he now such a naught boy isn't he princess" he says making Lana smile and I can't help but think about how much I love to see them together it really is a strong bond they have, and I wouldn't have it any other way.

"What time the doc coming at?" Ant says taking a seat on the floor and begins to play with his little girl, "He will be here at 5 so not long now and then we will have dinner" I say smiling down at them both but I must have had a look on my face causing Ant to speak up "Don't look so worried dear she is fine and we know it, this is just a precaution but you can see her here happy and healthy so stop your worrying" "I know you are right." I sit and watch my little girl with her daddy playing until Tony walks in with the doctor in tow.

"Hello, I have been called to come see little miss here" The doctor says coming over and shaking my husband and I's hands before crouching down and saying hello to Lanna "Yes, you already know our situation with her but after a recent event something has changed in her" I say letting the worry seep into my voice "What sort of changes?" "She has gone very quiet and rarely says a word as well as her appetite where she more or less refused solid food a lot of the time" "Right I see, well I will have a quick check over her and let's see what we can do" with this he proceeds to check Lana over.

"So in regards to her appetite I would not worry too much as she is very health in that sense but still try to offer her more solid food now with her speech again I would not worry too much looking at her she seems to be really happy and healthy and the only thing that has come to mind is that whatever event happened had just shook her causing her to regress for her own safety but the fact that she is still very interactive and happy is a good thing and maybe she just feels better and safer like this for now so do not worry she will come out of this on her own when she is ready and all you can do is be there for her which knowing your family she will have plenty of support"

"Yes we had a feeling that she may have regressed but wanted it clarified to be certain so thank you for visiting and giving us a sense of relief doc" "Your welcome Don have a nice evening and remember I am just a call away if you need me again, good bye little Alana" and with that the doctor heads out leaving us in the living room with a feeling of ease in our hearts. "Right now that we know our little angel is happy and healthy I think we should get some food in her tum tum" Ant says with his voice becoming slightly childish at the end of his sentence and with that we head through and enjoy a nice meal with the whole family before ending the night with some games, movies and plenty of laughter. 

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