Chapter 13

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Antonio's POV

This poor kid, we knew where she was hiding but the fact talking about getting cuddle had her so interested and not in an 'oh I want a hug' way rather a 'why would you want to give cuddles' sort of way. This kid really has missed out on a lot, but no worries, she will have everything her little heart wants. Seeing my wife interact with her melts my insides and I am a tough man but the two of them together stirs something new in me. I couldn't resist asking for a hug as well after my wife gave her one, I really want Alana to want my attention and be a daddy's little girl.

I could see she was hesitant to but did step forward, close enough for me to bring her in for a cuddle. Instead of letting go like Maria done, I stood with her still in my arms and this caused her to grip on to my shirt. I didn't mean to give her a fright, but she will get use to us all picking her up all the time.

"I think we should all get ready for the day then head for some brekky, how does that sound?" I say to them both, "I think that's a great idea love, don't you think Alana" my wife says as she places one hand on my side and another on Alana's back moving it slightly. Alana all but shrugs, I don't think she is ready to fully communicate but I have a feeling she wont just let us do as we please with out a fight, she is my little fighter after all. I walk over to the changing table and sit Alana down while Maria grabs some clothes for today, we need to take her shopping today, I think to myself since they only grabbed stuff for a few days for her. When I see Maria come over with everything needed I gently lay Alana down and quickly put the strap over her to keep her safe and sure enough the moment I do she begins to panic and wriggle around.

"Please, don' t" she cries out, knowing what is about to happen, "Oh baby, it will be over before you know it" my wife says to Alana just as I finish undressing her. You can hear a gasp come from my wife's direction and I look over to see slight tears in her eyes. "What's the matter?" I whisper as I continue to change and dress my little girl. Maria just looks at me then back down to Alana before leaning down and kissing her forehead then saying "your safe love, mommy and daddy have got you" before kissing her forehead again and wiping the tears that have fallen from Alana's little eyes.

Maria's POV

Bless that poor little girl, hearing her cry broke my heart, she will soon realise that all we want to do is look after her. I grabbed a cute little sky-blue top with some flowers on it, a pair of white leggings and some white socks with these cute little ruffles on them and of course a fresh diaper for her. I make my way over and let her know she's okay, and that's when I get a good look at her. My poor baby is so skinny I can't help but shed some tears, I try to blink them away though as the last thing my baby need to see is her mommy crying. I wipe her tears away and once Antonio has finished dressing her, I am quick to pick her am and I hold her like my life depends on it, not too hard though as I don't want to hurt her with a bone crushing hug.

After a few moments Alana clams down enough at all you can hear are her little sniffles. I leave her a few more moments before to gather herself before I gently pull her face from my shoulder and sitting her back down on the changing table. She had a grip on me like she doesn't want to let go; I think she is a bit unsure of herself. I keep a hold of her and let her rest against me, more than welcoming her want and need to be close. "Love can you please pass me warm cloth and towel" "Of course dear", Antonio makes his way to the bathroom that is connected to our bedroom. Coming back not moments later with the items requested, I grab the cloth and give Alana's face a wipe then a quick dry ignoring her protests of getting her face washed, before picking her back up again. "There, that wasn't so bad was it princess?" I say making my way out the nursery with my husband following close behind.

Making our way downstair to the dining room I can already see that both my son's are already sitting there, which is a surprise as they normally come grab food when they please and leave, the only exception is dinner where it is a mandatory rule that we all eat together. I don't even try and hide my smile. "Good morning boys, did you sleep well?" I ask as I make my way over to my chair and sit down with Alana still in my arms. "Best night I have had in a while" Luca says while openly staring at Alana with the biggest, goofiest smile I think I have ever seen him have, at least since he was a child. "Yes, thank you, how about you mum" Xander says in his usual tone but instead of that straight face he usually has at least this time he speaks with a smile. "Yes, it was a good night's rest for us all by the sound of it" I return a smile and look down at Alana who is still resting on my shoulder.

"I need to nip into the office this morning to does with some 'business' but I should be back just after lunch, and I am going to ensure I take the next few days maybe even a week off for some family time. I think we all need it and now that we have Alana it will be good for us ALL to be home for a while, agreed?" Antonio says adding a little extra tone onto the work business. What he means is, he is going to have to go deal with someone(s) and they most likely will be dead by lunch, but out little Lana doesn't need to know anything about that side of our life's. Everyone agrees without hesitation even Xander which again surprises me and if I'm honest I'm glad that everyone will be home for a week, it is long overdue.

Alana's POV

I hate the fact that I am do weak and can't fight people off.

Why can't I change myself? why are they treating me like this? Why am I so emotional?

I am so tired and its not from lack of sleep because it feels like all I have done I sleep over that past twenty-four hours. I think I'm emotionally tired. After crying yet again due to Antonio changing me, yet again, Maria held me until I calmed down. I don't know what it is about her but I do like her cuddles, she is warm and cosy and I honestly feel like I could just go back to sleep right now, but much to my displeasure I am sat down again with a wet cloth on my face trying to clean it of all the tears and probably snot from all the crying I have done this morning alone.


I feel myself being picked up again by Maria and I am quick to rest my head back on her shoulder where I was previously comfortable before. I feel us moving but I don't know where to, but if I had to take a guess it would be the dining room where we sat last night since they did mention something about pancakes? I still have no idea what pancakes are. My suspicions are correct when I hear taking with the other two boys from last night. What were their names again? Luke no Luca and Xander, yeah that was it Luca and Xander and the fact I can smell food but I am not ready to come out from my comfy spot.

"Princess, look what we got for you, some yummy coco pancakes, look" Maria says in the most babyish voice I have ever heard. My mum never spoke to me like this. I refuse to move and play along with this. Actually, I think I will just doze back off again, at least I can shut all this off around me. Just as I though they would leave me be I felt my self being lifted and turned around to where I see 2 pairs of eyes on me. I have never been good with eye contact and its even worse when you have a few people looking at you, expecting something clearly.

I think they notice my uneasiness, and all turn away to eat their breakfasts. "Here you go princess, I think you will love them" Maria says as she brings a fork up to my mouth. I try and push her hand away but all I get in return is them being held with her free hand. Like common how can you hold two hands in one and still be able to control me. It's not fair. After awhile it was clear that she was not going to let this go and I was getting tired, tired of fighting, tired of feeling emotional and a little bit sore as well. I gave in and let the lady have her way.

The pancakes were amazing, so fluffy and soft with chocolate on top. I would eat that again and it made me think what they would have tasted like if I had just eaten them when they were hot. I hope I could get them again one day. After finishing ¾ of the food I couldn't eat anymore, I would have loved to eat them all, but I am not use to a lot of food and I was stuffed. I even got some mango juice, but the only down fall was it was in another stupid baby bottle, but just like being fed and having to give up fighting it was the same with the bottle so in the end I did end up drinking it all. 

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