Chapter 21

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Antonio's POV

As we pull up to the warehouse, I can see my men on high alert which is good they should always be on alert. We pull up front and make our way inside and it was quiet, way too quiet, which I do not like. This place should be busy going through and sorting the latest shipment even if some of it was missing. We walk up to my office to go look at the paperwork, when we enter this is a note on my desk which has me intrigued and one of my trusted men is standing there beside my desk.

"What are you doing in here?" I ask in a stern tone, I always sound nasty and mean when I talk with anyone who is not family and occasionally Sergi and Toni but that is only because they are classed at my friends, and they are always around me and my family. "Apologies sir, this note had been dropped off by a man and I was just bringing it up to your office, just before you came through the door" he says "Ok, is this man still here?" "Yes sir, we have put him in the back room" "Perfects, you are dismissed, I will see to this messenger myself shortly" and with a 'yes sir' and a nod he leaves. "So, what do you think is in the note?" Toni asks as we all take a seat. "Let's find out shall we" I reply as I pick up the letter and begin to read it.

As I read threw the letter my blood begins to boil and they guys must notice my change in mood, but they don't say anything as that know I will tell them when I am ready. "It's a note from our enemies, the bloody English, they are trying to threatening us, demanding we give them the south so they can expand and if we refuse, they will retaliate and then the bastard goes on to threaten my family saying they better watch out if I refuse his request" to say I am furious is an understatement, no one threatens my family. "Let's go see the mail man and get some information, shall we" I motion to them to follow, and we head down to the back room where my men said they had put him.

We walk threw the door and see a man tied to a chair with a bag over his head. I walk up to him and rip the bag off before speaking to him. "So, you are the poor dog sent to his death by his owner, why does he want my land in the south so bad?" I ask in a mocking tone, "That is his business, I won't tell you a thing so you may as well just kill me" he spits back at me making me laugh "And what may I ask has you so eager to die?" I ask not because I care but because he must have been promised something to want me to end it quickly, "Fuck you" he spits back, "I could torture you till you tell me" I say in a dark tone hoping he would go down that route and I know everyone here would be happy to pitch in a beating or 2 each which includes myself "FUCK OFF" he all but screams in my face. I chuckle lowly at him "So be it, boy's let's give our guest here a warm Scottish welcome aye" I say and land a hard blow on his face, hitting right on his nose and I hear a nice big crack making aware that I just broke his nose in one blow, "Have at it boys" I say then back up and let the others have their fun.

I watch as my men beat the shit out of this guy and it is not long before he is begging them to stop, but they won't without me saying so. I leave then to it for a few more rounds before I intervene and go back to asking questions. "Ready to talk now?" "Yes, please just stop" he cries out and it is music to my ears. "What did he promise you?" "My family would be protected and want for nothing if I delivered the letter and distract you" "Distract me from what?" "Believe me, I do not know, he said I needed to keep you attention for as long as I could, but he did say something about a little girl, I don't know anything else I swear" "Alana, SHIT" I turn away and walk over to Toni and Sergi, "He's planning a hit on my family, maybe trying to get Alana to use against me, I need to go, Sergi you are with me Toni finish him and get the clean – up here to deal with the after mass then come to the mansion and bring 10 of your best men, but only those you know for a fact you can trust because we have a rat, first with the shipment and now Alana, no one knew about her yet so be careful, I will not have her put in danger or any of my family for that matter, let's go" and with that we all get to it.

Sergi and I march to the car and get in before taking of at top speed heading back home. While Sergi drives I quickly call Luca knowing he will still be at school, and he picks up in a matter of rings "Dad, are you ok?" he asks knowing I never call when he is at school, "No get home now and be quick but careful" I say and hang up after he says ok. Once we arrive home, I am quick to get out the car and march up the stairs and threw the front door shouting for their attention.

"LIVINGROOM NOW" I shout as loud as I can to ensure they all hear, I make my way threw and start to pace slightly while I think over my plan. Maria comes threw and sits down, she knows I love her more than anything, but when I am like this she knows to wait until I am ready to speak, not that I would hurt or, but I hate being touched when I'm stressed and thinking. Not long after Maria sits down, Xander walks in with Alana and I can't help but stope and look at her, and for a moment I forget everything. I see Xander whisper something to her as he walks towards me, then my princess reaches out to me, and I gladly take her. When I get a hold of her, she wraps her arms around my neck and rests against me making me smile at her. I am brought back to my senses when I hear to door open and close then Luca saunters in with Sergi and Toni behind him.

"Right since we are all here" I begin to say when we hear to door open again and the voice of my mother rings threw the house. "Ant where are you?" "Livingroom mum" I shout back and instantly regret it when I feel Alana flinch. "Sorry baby, I didn't mean to scare you" I say to her as I rub her back, just then my mother walks in with my father just behind her. "Ah I see the whole fam" she beings but stops as she looks at me or should I say the little girl in my arms. "Ant, who is this little one?" "This is Alana, our daughter, we recently adopted her and were waiting for her to settle in before we introduced her to the family" I say before an idea popped into my head. "Hey mum why don't you take Alana to the playroom we have some toys in there and we will come gets you in a bit oh and you can stay for dinner yes?" I ask her thinking it would be best if Alana was not here for the conversation we need to have.

"Oh of course, I have always wanted a granddaughter" she practically squeals out as she rushes over and practically rips my princess from me and by the look on her face she is not sure about this one bit which makes me want to take her back but I remind myself that this conversation is best with her out of earshot. I watch as my mother leaves the room and look over to my dad who has a look of amusement on his face while staring at his wife before turning to me and saying "You my boy have a lot of explaining to do" "Later dad something is happening and my family is at risk" this comment now has everyone's head whipping my way with faces ranging from anger, confusion and amusement. "The English sent a guy up with a note, long story short they want us to give them the south and if not they will retaliate, but that's not the worst of it, they knew about Alana" "If they think for a second they will get near her they are wrong, I will kill them" Xander shouts as he stands with his hands fisted by his side. I look at Luca who had the same angry expression on his face then I look over at my wife who looks on the very of tears.

"No one is getting near her or anyone in this family, Xander sit down she will be safe, I have a plan, we are going to head out to our other home for a little while just to be safe, we leave first thing. Toni, I hope your men are ready to leave in the morning and I also want a few others of your trusted lot who are not coming to find this rat, and it better be before we get back, am I understood" I say and get nods all around.

I am happy with this, so I turn my attention to my father, and I explain the situation with Alana. There was no point in lying about how Alana come to us, so I told him the truth. I was not sure how I expected him to react, but to say I was happy when he looked happy was great. Thinking of Alana, I wonder how she was coping with my mother. 

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