Chapter 10

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Alana's POV

I woke up feeling nice and warm but could hear people talking which caused me to snap my eyes open and look at my surroundings. I was still in the car seat and couldn't get out. I started to panic since I was no longer in the car or on the jet so where was I and where was doofis? I done the only thing my panicked mind would let me do and screamed. "LET ME GO, I WANT OUT OF HERE, where am I?" I tried to wiggle free but had no luck and in seconds doofis was right in front of me picking me up. All I could do was cry and he was quick to push my head into his chest and rub my back. I hate it when he does that because it always calms me.

I heard more talking but chose to ignore it as right now my safe space is with my head buried in his chest even though I hate him for taking me away from my home, from my mum, but he is the only thing right now that is familiar to me even if it's only been a short time. I left them to talk while I took in the comfort and warmth I was getting. I got really angry when he turned round and started talking to me and trying to get me to come out of hiding to meet my 'mommy and brothers' ugh like common my mum is back home not here I don't want to be here and I don't have brothers, I am an only child so I stayed in my spot gripping onto him as tight as I could to show my distaste to his question. After a while of them talking I had completely calmed down and just lay sat there listening, trying to get any information, if there was any that is but then I heard a voice that made me want to come out of hiding. I don't know why, but this voice gave me chills, good chills. I turn my head slightly and see a lady sitting on a sofa across from me with 2 younger boys sitting next to her. I don't think they realised I had started to look at them but then the boy on the end looked down at me and gave me a smile before talking and then I knew it was his voice that brought me out of my hiding place.

"Hello little one" he says to me showing me the pearly whites of his teeth. With this I now had everyone's attention and I do not like it one bit, so I was quick to turn my head back into my captor's chest. I heard a few light laughs before another voice. "We don't bite little sister, you are safe with us" the other male says. His voice isn't as deep as the first, but it is soft. I steal another glance and my thoughts were correct when I seen the boy in the middle looking at me ready to say something else. "Hi, I'm your big brother Luca" he says to me with a bright smile on his face. I look back over to the other boy who gives me another smile before talking to me again "And I am your eldest brother Xander". There is something in his voice that makes me feel calm. I think that is the word to use. "I'm Maria, your mommy" the lady says to me giving me a warm smile like everyone else has. She is a beautiful lady who has an aura around her of elegance and warmth.

I don't know what to say, my words are stuck and I'm not having a panic attack, but I feel incredibly shy right now and I really don't know what to do. Subconsciously my nerves kick in and I don't realise that I have brough my fingers up and put my thumb in my mouth. There was a chorus of 'aww's' before Maria comes over to me, I flinch back but she doesn't stop and gives me a smile while she gently takes my hand and takes it away from my mouth. "Let's not do that baby, you will get lots of sickies putting your fingers in your mouth" she says before picking me up. I tried to hold on to doofis but because she already had one hand and I was slightly turned away from him, I didn't have a good enough position to cling on like I did before. Maria picked me up with ease, like I weight nothing to her. I was officially scared; it was one thing for him to lift me since he was muscular, and you could feel how strong he was but this lady I don't know and also the fact that I do not know this lady. "Aww, look at you, you're so precious, and tiny", she coos at me while positioning me on her hip. I clung onto her top like my life depended on it, scared she would drop me and I think she clocked onto that. "Aww baby mommy won't drop you; mommy would never hurt her baby".

This was all becoming too much for me. I looked over at doofis and my eyes began to water. I done something I did not think I would ever do, and I tried to reach out to him. He smiled and was quick to pull me from the lady and cuddle me close as he whispered in my ear. "This is a little but much for you isn't it baby?" all I could do was nod my head as I started to sniffle trying my hardest not to cry.

Antonio's POV

"I think we should go grab a little bit to eat since little miss here didn't have her dinner and then off to bed, it's been a long day for her and I think a good night sleep will help" My family agreed and we all headed off to the dining room where we got out servants to bring us some light food as it was rather late and I didn't think Alana would eat much right now.

I was right in thinking Alana wouldn't eat much, I basically had to being food up to her mouth to get her to eat. In the end she managed half a sandwich and some grapes, it will do for now but I will also make sure she has a bottle before she goes to sleep. "I will take her up and get her ready for bed, can you get her a bottle of milk love?" I ask my wife while standing up before I whisper in her ear "put some blended nutrients in it she needs it". With a smile and a nod my wife heads out to the kitchen and I make my way upstairs to the room connected to the master bedroom. Alana's new room. I lay her down on the changing table and strap her in. I had asked Tony to get supplies for her and endure that all the furniture that needs safety straps to be added have them added as we both knew she would fight us until she was settle enough to give in.

Once I know Lana is strapped in and safe I make my way over to the bags and grab a fresh diaper and sleep onzie out for her then make my way back over to the changing table where Lana currently lies trying to get free and sobbing. "I will make this quick baby girl" I say in a soft tone, I hate the fact she is crying but needs must. I make quick work of getting Alana changed and I noticed halfway through my wife was standing at the doorway with a sad smile on her face. She understands the situation it was all in her file and I know we will talk more about this as a family when out baby is asleep, but she stands and waits for me to finish.

I pick my sobbing little girl up and cuddle her into me, again rubbing circles on her back trying to sooth her. "Do you want to feed her or should I my love?" I ask my wife who passes the bottle over to me. I sit down it the rocking chair in the corner of the room next to the crib we have and pry Alana out from my chest and lay her down in the crook of my arm before bringing the bottle up to her mouth. She tried to bat the bottle away but I don't give up and eventually she gives in and latches on. As she slowly starts to drink I begin to rock back and forth on the chair looking down at the most adorable little girl and think to myself how lucky I am to have her as my daughter now. I think about all the happy family moments we will have and how my family will be whole once more.

Stuck in my own thoughts for too long I had not noticed my wife come closer and place her hand on my shoulder. "She is finished and sound asleep Toni, what were you thinking about" she asked in a whisper. "Just how complete our family is now" I say was all the honesty I could muster. I stand up and walk over to the crib, slowly laying her down and covering her in a blanket before giving her a kiss on her forehead and stepping back to let my wife say good night. "Good night baby see you in the morning" my wife says as she put a paci in her mouth which Alana takes and gently starts to suck on. We make our way out the room not before putting the night light on and grabbing the baby monitor to keep an eye on her then make our way downstairs to the living room. 

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