Holy shit

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As Max,billy and Jackie,had met at the arcade after Billy and max stopped some kids bullying him Max and Billy had allowed him to drive home with them instead of biking.

As the two (billy and Jackson)waited for max she arrived at the car Billy was leaning on the trunk staring into the distance at the teens scattering around.

"You're late,again."He reminded her,not bothering to look at the girl.
"Yeah,I had to get catch-up homework."Max informed him as he scoffed.

"Jesus.I don't care."he admitted with a smirk as he turned around opening the door for Jackson.
"You're late again,and you're skating home.Do you hear me?"he asked placing the cigarette in between his lips as max rolled her eyes getting in the car.


Once again Billy was racing down the road the leaves flying up even if the car was far away.
"God,this place is such a shithole."Billy argued under his breath as he drove with one hand on the steering wheel the other on his thigh.

"It's not that bad."Max informed him as she cocked her head to the side.
"No?"Billy questioned glancing at the two kids who shrugged as he rolled down the window.

Billy inhaled deeply "mmm!"he hummed sarcastically breathing in the fumes of cow shit.

"You smell that,guys?Thats actually shit."he informed them as he plugged his nose tightly.
"Cow shit."he added getting in her face.

"I don't see any cows."she informed billy as Jackson had the most awkward face ever as he held his breath.

"Clearly,you haven't met the highschool girls."he scoffed as Jackson rolled up the windows.
He scoffed "so what,you like it here now?"

"No."Max informed him as he squinted his eyes shaking his head "then why are you defending it?"he questioned her.
"I'm not."she spat.

"Sure sounds like it,doesn't it Jackie?"Billy questioned turning to the back seat as Jackie shrugged.

"It's just we're stuck here,so..."
"Hmm.You're right.We're stuck here."

"And whose fault is that?"he asked turning to max with a glare.
"Yours."she mumbled under her breath as Jackie was literally mouthing prayers under his lips.

"What'd you say?"he questioned speeding up the car "nothing."she informed him.
"Did you say it's my fault?"

"You know whose fault it is."he informed her "say it."he demanded turning to her.
"Max..."he spoke deeply as she ignored him.

Jackson felt so out of place right now he was doing anything but looking straight,he was fixing his hair,tying his laces,rubbing his eyes anything you name he did.

"Say it."he demanded again "Say it!"He yelled turning his head to max who shut her eyes flinching as he pressed his foot against the pedal the car going well over the speed limit as he slammed his hand against the steering wheel bopping his head back and forth.

As max slowly leaned out of her seat peering her head over the window she saw the boys riding their bikes home.


"Really, everyone dressed up last year."Dustin reminded them as they didn't notice the car behind them.


"Billy slow down."max demanded as Jackson realised.
"Billy,Billy.Slow down."Jackson begged.

"Oh,these your new hick friends?"Bill questioned.
"No!I don't know them."Max exclaimed in a panic.

"I guess you won't care if u hit 'em then?"he asked speeding up the car "i get bonus points if I get 'em all in one go?"He questioned as Jackson was freaking the fuck out,he was jumping around like a monkey.

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