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Vecna struck again killing Patrick from the basketball team right infront of Eddie and Jason yet Jason still thinks Eddie is working with Satan and that hellfire is a satan cult

It was now a new day and Eddie had just stolen some random walkie talkie from some builder who went to the bathroom.


"Not to be a wimp,but can I sit in the car?"Robin asked them "cause this is gonna totally and royally suck."Robin informed them.

Meanwhile they had josh's song on the radio as Josh was letting her use his Walkman as hers wasn't working properly.

"It'll be fine."Nancy informed her.
"I can't stand to see those doe eyes of Eddies break again."Robin sighed at her "I really,really can't."

"Atleast he can drink himself into feeling better."Josh shrugged holding up the six pack of beers as him,Steve and Dustin were eating Pringles.

"That's what my mom does."Max informed them.
"Why don't we give it a trial?"Robin asked

"Hey Eddie.uh good news first this time."Robin acted out the scene "We got you some josh and Dustin approved junk food and that six-pack you requested oh yeah and we found Vecna only bad news is that he's stuck in that other darker much scarier dimension,that we told you about and the gates closed,so we have no way of getting to him."Robin rambled not taking any breaths.

"He's entirely shut off to us,so basically you're screwed."She added before taking a long deep breath "and,no,no I know you were already screwed,but now you're doubly,triply screwed."

"Wait,maybe we don't put it like that."Lucas recommended "we're one step closer to finding vecna."Nancy informed them all.

"That's what we say,that's what's important."
"Don't you think he would already know he's screwed like..the cops are on his ass."Josh pointed out "he definitely knows."Dustin nodded as Pringle crumbs fall from his mouth.

"Oh shit."Nancy remarked as the cops and news reporters are outside of eddies hide out.
The crowd clamoured as the teenagers jumped out the car.

"Come on,this way."Nancy barked orders at the teenagers as she turned left sneaking around the news van.

"Oh man."Steve sighed as they announced Eddies name on live Television.
"This is not good."
"No shit Steve."

"Dustin,can you heard me?Wheeler?"Eddie asked into the radio.
"Eddie,holy shit."Dustin whispered as the teenagers scatter back behind the van "are you okay?"

"Nah man.pretty..pretty goddamn far from okay."Eddie admitted "where are you?"
"Skull rock.Do you know it?"
"Uh,yeah.there near cornwallis and-"
"Garret,yeah,I know where that is."Josh nodded as him and Steve began running off followed by the others.

"Hold tight,we're coming.we're coming."he assured Eddie.


"Dude I'm telling you you're taking us the wrong way."Steve informed Dustin.
"It's north.I'm positive.I checked the map."Dustin argued.

"You do realise skull Rock,it's a super popular make out spot?"Steve asked him.
"Yeah,Steve everyone knows."Josh argued.
"Yeah,so?"dustin asked Steve.

"Yeah,we'll it wasn't popular until I made it popular.All right? I practically invented it."Steve informed him as josh rolled his eyes as did Dustin.

"We're heading in the wrong direction."
"Yeah I'm with Steve it's this way."Josh added as him and Steve went down hill as Dustin called after them.

"Let's go!trust me."
"This way."Josh argued dragging Steve left.

"Okay so apparently we're going this way now?"Max asked them "I swear to god josh better not get us lost."Max complained to Lucas.

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