Fair fight

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(I don't recommend the sound bc it's not even music)

"Steve said you need to hurry!"Erica informed them as she began running.

"Yeah?no shit!"Dustin yelled.
"We're trying.we can't find anything!"Max yelled as her,josh and Lucas rummage through draws together.

they panicked looking through eddies song's.

"Seriously what is all this shit?"Robin yelled at Eddie "what are you even looking for?"Eddie spat back.

"Madonna,Blondie,bowie,beatles?Music!we need music!"Robin spat quickly as Eddie stormed up to her "THIS IS MUSIC!"

"I'm gonna,go check!"Josh informed them as he sprang over and into the upside down.

As he landed with a thud Nancy snapped back panting as Steve caught her.
"It's okay.it's okay.its okay."Steve assured her as josh crawled over.

"It's okay.I'm here."he assured her as she gasped.

"She's okay!"Josh called up as they all ran back they sent Nancy up first.

Then Josh,who obviously ended up missing the mattress "of course you're the one who missed the mattress."Erica scolded him as he rolled around Steve landed.


Next day*

"He showed me..things that haven't happened yet."Nancy informed them "The most awful things.I saw..a dark cloud spreading over Hawkins.downtown fires.Dead soldiers.And this..this giant creature."Nancy explained as they all sat around.

"With..a gaping mouth.And this creature wasn't alone.There was so many monsters.An army."she mentioned slowly and softly as they all listened.

"And they were coming into Hawkins.into our neighbourhoods.Our homes.and then..he showed me my mom."She said as her voice cracked.

"And Holly.Mike.And they...they were all."she croaked as a tear fell and her breaths shaking "okay,but..he's just trying to scare you Nancy."Josh assured her softly from the counter.

"Right?I mean,it's not real."Steve assured them all.
"Yeah,but it feels real."Josh informed him.

"Not yet.."Nancy sighed shaking "but there..there was something else.He showed me gates.four gates.Spreading across Hawkins.And these gates,they looked like the one outside of Eddies trailer,but...they didn't stop growing."She mentioned as she didn't look at anyone as she explained.

Finally she glanced up at Steve who was sitting on the couch with Eddie and Erica.

"And this wasn't the Upside down Hawkins.This was our Hawkins."She blurted out softly choking on her tears "our home."

"Four chimes."Max piped up as she leaned against the wall "Vecnas clock."
"It always chimes four times."Josh added on.

"Four exactly."Max assured them as she turned to Nancy.
"I heard them too."Nancy admitted as everyone's eyes scattered to whoever chatted.

"He's been telling us his plan this whole time."Max sighed.

"Four kills."Lucas muttered "Four gates."

"End of the world."Josh finished.

"If that's true...he's only one kill away."Dustin informed them "oh Jesus Christ.Jesus Christ."Eddie sighed gripping on his nose for comfort.

"Try em again.try em again."Steve demanded as max grabbed the phone.
"No,rang a few times,then went to busy signal."

"Maybe you punched it wrong.try again."Josh informed her.
"I didn't punch it in wrong."She spat at him.
"I think she knows how to use a phone."Dustin remarked.

"I'm just saying."he scoffed as max tried again.
"Same shit."she scoffed walking away.
"How is that possible?"Lucas asked them.

"Joyce has this telemarket job.Always on the phone."Dustin sighed
"Mike won't stop whining about it."

"Yeah,but this phones been busy for,what,three days now?"Max asked them "that's not Joyce.No way,somethings wrong."

"She's right.it can't just be a coincidence.it can't be."Nancy convinced them.
"Whatever's happening in Lenora is connected to all of this."Nancy sighed looking out the window.
"I'm sure of it."she added.

"But Vecna can't hurt them."Nancy informed them all "not if he's dead.We have to go back in there.Back to the Upside down."Nancy demanded.

"Whoa,no,no,no,no.What?"Steve Denied as did Eddie.

"Let's think this through."Steve demanded.
"What is there to think through?"she asked him.

"We barley made it out of there."
"Yeah,because we weren't prepared.But this time we will be.We'll get weapons and protection.We'll  go through the gate,we'll find his lair,and we'll kill him."Nancy explained as steve looked like it went right through his ears and out the other side.

"Or he'll kill us."He spat at her "the only reason that you survived is because he wanted you to.He's not scared of us."

"And for a good reason."robin piped up "we were wrong about Vecna.Henry.One.Sorry what are we calling him now?"Robin asked.

Josh:Veiny,come on that's the only reasonable 1.

"Right,we've learned something about veiny-"
"Henry."Nance informed her.
"He's a number like Eleven,only a sick,evil,male,child-murdering version of her with really bad skin."

"He's a dick,he's a prick,and he's a cock."Josh listed at them "those are all the same things."Steve informed him "no..no..there all nuances of meanings."Josh stammered.

Finally Jackson had arrived after they called him on the talkie explaining some of the stuff and promised the rest in person.

"But my..my point is,he's super powerful."Robin managed to spit out "he could turn us inside out with a snap of his fingers.it's not a fair fight."

"So then why fight fair?"Dustin asked them "you're right he's like Eleven but that gives us an upper hand."Dustin informed them "we know Elevens strengths.And weaknesses."Dustin sighed as Robin was explaining everything to Jackson.

"Weaknesses?"Erica questioned him.
"When El remote-travels,she goes into this sort of trance like state.I bet the same is true of Vecna."Dustin admitted.

"Taht would explain what he was doing in that attic."Lucas pointed out.
"Exactly.When he attacks his next victim,I'll bet you he's back in that attic,physical body defenceless."

"Defenceless?what about the army of bats?"Steve asked him.
"Right,true.We'll have to find a way past them.distract them somehow."

"And,uh,how do we do that,exactly?"Eddie questioned.
"No idea.But once they're gone,he doesn't stand a chance.it'll be like slaying sleeping Dracula in his coffin."

"That all sounds good in theory,but there is no pattern to Vecnas killings."Robin reminded him.
"At least not one that I can decipher.We don't know when he's going to attack next.we don't even know who he's going to attack."

"Yeah,we do."Max exhaled.
"Yeah,and it's not you."Josh informed her.
"I can still feel him.I'm still marked.Cursed."
"I'll do it."Josh offered as him and max bickered back and forth.

"I survived before,I'll survive again."
"I survived before!I'll survive again,not you."

The two never stopped arguing and created a plan just without mentioning who was doing what.

"Use whatever,chop his head off or use some stupid explosive josh and Dustin make.I don't care how you put this asshole in his grave...just don't..don't miss."

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