Still here

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Soon Dustin came sprinting back with a Walkman and like 15 songs for max.
"Max come on !"
"Guys!"Dustin yelled dropping all the stuff infront of them "what is this?"josh asked.

"What's her favourite song?"Dustin asked Lucas as he began stammering "Lucas what is it?"Dustin yelled "what is it?"Steve yelled.
"I can't-I can't find it!"Lucas yelled.

"running up that hill!"Josh yelled pulling a tape out his jacket as Lucas took to long to spit something out.

As max could now see and hear the others even tho she was on the verge of dying she could hear all of it and the music.

"We're right here!"
"Wake up!"
"Come on!"

"They can't help you,max.there's a reason you hide from them..don't worry,you won't be alone."he assured her in a low voice as the creatures choke her.

"You,belong here."he informed her as max had fear and confusion on her face from previous remarks.

"With me."
"Your not really here."she spat out through choking.

"Oh,but I am,Max.I am."he admitted raising his clawed,long hand over her face,she began to rise into the air all the boys fell backwards.

"Max!"they all screamed up to her.
As max'a eyes drifted behind Vecna to see a hole that showed what her friends were doing she saw them shouting her name.

Everything josh ever said to her played back in her head,all their memories replayed in her mind,the first time they met,every single memory.

Max's hand that was tied back before became free as she ripped parts of Vecna away as he stumbled back she began running dodging all things that crossed her path.

"Max!"they all kept crying out,thinking it's the end.
"Max!"they all yelled repeatedly.

"Max!Max!"her friends yelled as max gasped her eyes went back to normal as she fell down Josh caught her as Lucas held her hand after josh caught her.

"Max!"they all yelled overlapping each other as she panted she pulled her hand from Lucas gripping onto Josh's arms as his arms were around her waist as she panted and cried in his arms.

"Max oh my god!"he yelled as she was hyperventilating the boys were all flooding her with are you okay questions and all that stuff.

"It's okay."he assured her as she gripped onto his arm with both hands as his arms held her.

"I thought we lost you."Lucas sobbed at her.
"I'm still..I'm still here."
"Oh shit."he panted as the other boys surrounded them.


They'd all slept in Mikes basement all swapping shifts on who watches her.

As they slept Eddie was trying to reach them as he needed more food.
"Earth to Dustin."
As Nancy woke up she answered the talkie
"Hey,it's Nancy."she whispered
"Wheeler! I'm gonna need a food delivery,like,real soon,unless you want me going out into the world."He sighed

"No,no,no,no.don't do that.Stay where you are we'll be there as soon as we can."
"Yeah,yeah,yeah,Listen Uhm can you pick me up a six-pack?I know,it's stupid as shit,drinking right now.but a cold beer would really calm my jangled nerves."he mentioned as she realised Max was gone from the couch.

"Hey I'm gonna have to call you back-"

"Josh!"she yelled hitting him in the chest.
"Mmh?"he groaned as his head flopped back onto the couch.

"Wake up!aren't you supposed to be on max watch?"
"Yeah,yeah,I am,I was,I'm doing that."he grained rubbing his eyes as he turned his head to see she was gone.

"I swear I dozed off for like...half an hour.."he muttered jumping up.


They left the bathroom marching around the house as the clocked max drawing with Holly.
"Morning guys!"Karen called out as the two teenagers sighed in relief.

"Everything okay?"she asked whipping  up the pancake mix.
"Yeah..yeah,everything's okay."Nancy sighed shaking her head.

As max turned around smiling at them."I think it's so sweet that you guys are sticking together like this."Ms Wheeler informed them as she placed down a stack of pancakes.

"Could try stick together at a different house for a change."Ten sighed looking in the papers.
"You know you're welcome anytime."Karen informed josh as Nancy walked over to max.

"'re like my mom."Josh shrugged with a smile and chuckle.
"Pancakes?"she asked him.
"I'm not hungry,thanks tho."he nodded before dustin walked in and grabbed half the pancakes .
As max explained that she saw her drawings when she was with Vecna.

"Sleep okay?"Nancy asked her.
"Couldn't sleep.Josh kept blasting music down my ears for some reason."She remarked as her and Nancy chuckled "oh I'm sorry,that I care about you."He scoffed.

"But seriously max,don't ever think you're going out alone."Josh informed her.
"Actually,do you think we could talk alone?thanks."she nodded grabbing josh pulling him into another room.


"are you good?"He questioned.
"Wh-when..I was with Vecna he said I wasn't gonna be alone,and I'm not assuming but you're the only one I can think of with all the same side effects everyone cursed had."Max rambled as he denied "no,no,he probably just meant he had another victim.I'm fine."He assured her as they strolled to the kitchen.


"God we need will."Josh sighed looking at her one of her drawings as Nancy grabbed it "is this a window?a stained rose glass window?"
"Yeah,see my drawings not so bad."max defended as he scoffed at her.

"Yeah,well it helps I've seen it before."Nancy admitted as she started putting it all the drawings together,folding some of them.

As it all stated to fall into place josh and Dustin grew more interested in her drawing.
Nancy pieced a house together.
"It's pieces of a house."Max blurted out as Nancy traced around it with a sharpie.

"Not just any house."she said just as she placed the glass rose window down "it's Victor creels house."she remarked running out her seat.

"Where you going?"Dustin asked as pancakes spill from his mouth "waking the others."she informed him as Josh stole a drink running off "fuel for the road.thanks."Dustin yelled chasing after him.


After driving for ages they finally reached the house.It was all boarded up on the windows.
"Yeah..that's not creepy."Steve nodded sarcastically.

The wood snaps as the nail falls and clinks on the floor as Steve and Nancy took the wood plank off the door to open it.

"What are we meant to look for in this shithole?"Josh questioned.

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