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Steve,Josh and Dustin had been driving for hours on end the only thing breaking the silence was the music.

"Wait a sec,how big?"Steve questioned again
"That's what she-sorry."Josh apologised from the back seat.

"First it was like that."Dustin measured "now it's like this."he said widening the gap in between his hands.

"I swear to god,man,it's just some lizard,okay?"Steve informed them.
"It's not a lizard!"
"How do you know?"

The trio began arguing once again back and forth.
"How do you know?!"Steve yelled again.
"His face opened and ate Dustin's cat!"Josh blurted out as Steve shut up.

As they arrived Steve got the two nail bats that him and josh made.Which he confiscated after Josh threatened almost everyone at Hawkins middle school with it.

Then they went to where they had trapped Dart as Josh shined a light down at the door as Steve handed him a bat he handed Dustin the flashlight.

"I don't hear shit."Steve informed them.
"Oh..shit maybe he's sleeping?"Josh recommended as Dustin walked over.

"He's in there."Dustin shrugged as Steve tapped on the door..nothing he hit again..nothing.
"All right listen,i swear if this is some sort of Halloween prank,you're dead."

"It's not."
"All right?"
"It's not a prank."

"You got a key for this thing-"Steve began as Josh swung the bat knocking the Lock open.
"No point now."Dustin mumbled.

Steve pulled open the door to pitch black as Dustin shined the flash down as Steve grabbed it.
"He must be further down there."Dustin insisted.

"I'll stay up here in case he tries to escape."
"You're a pussy you know?"Josh remarked as him and Steve glared at Dustin.

Steve sighed as him and Josh creeped down the stairs there was jack shit.steve turned on the light as the two looked down they furrowed their brows.

They picked up a thick layer of gooey green shedded skin,exactly what was in the container the day..he ate the cat.

Josh began hurling as goo dropped off making water sounds as it hit the floor they heard a sound slowly turning their heads.

"Harringtons?"Dustin called down referring to both the boys.
"Guys what's going on down there?"he asked again as they flashed up the light Dustin jumped back.

"Get down here."

As they showed the skin Dustin sighed "oh shit."
He remarked before Josh rotated the flash into the corner "oh shit!"He exclaimed at the hole in the brick cement wall.

The boys grunt as they kneel down "no way."Dustin spoke his voice echoing through the long hole.


Next morning*

The boys were carrying metal buckets out of the trunk filled with chopped up raw meat and Dustin was grabbing out Gasoline before he left Josh and Steve to do it as they zipped up their bags they waited for Lucas at the old junkyard,in that time Josh decided to go home for some supplies and also pick up max on the way.
While stealing Steve's get there faster.


Jackson stayed at the Lab with Will sleeping on a chair until they'll let Will leave.
But Will forgot who Bob was completely.
Jackson got told to go home for a bit while they sorted out the thing with Will.


Jackson and Josh hadn't been home in ages nor had they called.
Their mom was a sobbing mess assuming the worst and their dad was,absolutely shit faced without a care in the world.

Young love(male OC X max mayfield)Where stories live. Discover now