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Next day*
"So after all that you're telling me josh and Lucas were apart of the monsters ?no."she disagreed thinking they couldn't do anything as they began arguing Dustin started ignoring her.

"Well if we never find help,your little ice cream buddies are screwed."Erica reminded them.
"Yeah with that attitude they are."Jackson argued
"Jee-zus."Dustin remarked.

"I'm just being realistic."Erica informed him with a scoff "I mean we've made it about point-three miles in nine hours."She informed them "then we had to walk three hours down that tunnel,so I'd estimate ten miles back to the elevator,which should take us approximately twelve and a half days."She spoke sassily folding her arms.

"Did you just do that all in your head ?"they asked in unison "I'm good with numbers."she shrugged like nothing.

"Holy shit!"Jackson exclaimed "she's a nerd!"
"She's a nerd!"Dustin egged on.

"Come again?"She scoffed.
"You...are..a...nerd."Jackson spaced out for her.
"Okay,you better take that back,nerd."
"Can't put the truth back in the box."he spat as Dustin was still trying to open the vent.

"But it's not the truth."
"Let's examine the facts shall we?"Dustin asked.
"Fact one:you're a math whiz."Jackson listed
"That was a pretty straight forward equation."
"Straight forward?"jackson scoffed "that'd take josh a week at least."
"That's because it's josh."

"Fact two:you're a political Junkie."Dustin rolled his eyes.
"Just because I don't agree with communism as an ideology-"
"Fact number three:you love my little pony."they spoke in sync as they showed her bag.

"And what does my little pony have to do with this?"she asked the two grabbing her bag.
"Ah..let's recall the ponies latest adventure,shall we?The evil centaur team and Tirek turns applejack into a dragon at midnight castle,and then Megan and the other ponies have to use Moochicks magic to defeat his rainbow of darkness,saving them from a lifetime of enslavement.All the pink in the world can't disguise the irrefutable fact that centaurs and castles and dragons and magic are all standard nerd tropes."Dustin explained as Erica and Jackson gave the most astonished look.

"Ergo,my little pony is nerdy."Jackson shrugged as Erica rolled her eyes "ergo,you,Erica,are a nerd."Dustin added on.
"And how do you know so much a boy My little pony?"Erica sniggered cockily.

"Because I'm..a nerd."he smiled taking the vent off as Jackson pulled out the wires the electricity cackled.

The huge fan slowly slowed down as they made their way through the gap.
"Let's go..nerd."Jackson remarked becoming more cocky by the day probably from being trapped with Steve and Josh all day.

"You..."She bit dirty looking him.


Josh and Steve winced as two guards punched them across the face both already covered in blood you could barley see their extremely hot faces.

The boys groaned as blood spilled from their mouths as they were tied up on a bench.tied together without Robin, as she is a girl,she wasn't being hurt.

"That one.."Steve paused
"Stung."Josh finished as their hair was all over their faces.

Steve gasped for air as he squinted his eyes.
"Who do you work for?"the man asked in a deep Russian accent.
"For the millionth time."Josh gasped
"We work at scoops ahoy!"The boys yelled in sync "scoops ahoy."they panted out of breath.

The two men punched them in the centre of their stomachs as they groaned hunching over.
"What the hell?!"The boys grunted through gritted teeth.

"Look at my outfit!"Josh whined hanging forwards in pain.
"Look at my outfit!"Steve sobbed sounding like he was gonna puke.

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