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A/n:the night we met recommended

It was another night at the hospital,the sun had set,and once again Josh was reading to Max.

Lucas had left around 15 minutes ago to get food.Erica was with Josh,as she had been for the past few days.

"Hey max,I know you obviously can't hear this but,if you can listen in."he sighed as he began talking,Erica was sitting on a chair behind him glancing up every so often.

"Clearly our plan didn't work in time,but I just."he sighed shutting his eyes for a second "I..wanted to say I miss you..so so much and...ever since you left,I slowly lose hope that you'll come back."he admitted before taking a long inhale of air.

"But I'm sorry it had to be this way..and I'm sorry you left without a proper goodbye.Hawkins has gone to the dogs without you here."He informed her with a soft chuckle choking back tears.

"Crazy how much you impact on my life when I've only known you a few years,I'm so glad I listened to Steve's shitty advice and got to date you for a few months,you made me realise that life isn't all bad..and that everything can get better."he admitted as his eyes began burning,Erica felt bad doing nothing but would feel worse to try and make him read max's letter.

"You made me..feel happiness for the first time in a while...it's corny I know."he chuckled softly wiping his eyes,thinking of the times she'd hit him or walk off when he was being too corny.

"Who knew the zoomer from Sunny California could be so tubular."he remarked "I still have no Idea what the word means."he informed her.

"I brought you a new Walkman.."he mentioned "and I wear that stupid hat you brought me when we went shopping."He sighed "I wish you knew that I was gonna say that...i love you max."He remarked brushing his hair back placing the hat back on.

It was stupid,she always wore the bracelet he got her and he felt so wrong not wearing the hat.

"Josh.."Erica sighed actually being serious,which was extremely rare for her "read the letter."

Josh told them to stop nagging him to read it as he believed it meant she was really gone.

"If you read it,you never know if like..I don't know..she liked you back."Erica recommend as she glanced at max's letter.

"I'll read it,but at least leave the room."he requested as she nodded backing away.

As the paper made a crumpling sound as he opened the brown envelope,he pulled out a piece of paper.

He placed the envelope down,taking a deep breath before unfolding the paper.

"Dear stalker,
                        The only way for you to be reading this is if I'm gone,so if I'm not don't be an ass and put the letter back.I'm sorry about how I've been treating you since..Well,Billy.I hope you know that I was just in pain and I never meant to hurt you.I guess I just felt numb.I had no feelings to share or give.That's why I pushed you away.I know you would've stayed and supported me anyway because that's why..I fell in-love with you,I know..it's corny don't let that boost your ego or whatever.But you actually cared.I'm so sorry we had to end this way.But everything must come to an end,right?Don't do something stupid,please.We both know I'm no good at this.
Hawkins was a rollercoaster,fighting monsters at starcourt mall with fireworks,losing people,But one thing I'm certain I'll miss is you,and your extremely stupid hair,and your over cocky humour.I know I wasn't myself,but I was just kind of lost,lost in my own mind.Please don't cry,carry on being Josh,being stupid but not to stupid.Think of all the good memories like,the movies or something like that.Lead the party for me,keep Mike in line.Remember this stalker.Oh yeah and stop drinking,for me.I know every time you tried to say I love you I told you to stop or I hit you or walked off calling you corny but I just knew it would pass.

        Love madmax."

He stared down at the paper with a bewildered look at everything before he sobbed,his chest felt like he'd been stabbed with a spear.

His hands looked for something to grasp onto as his breaths grew heavy,as he fell into another one of his episodes.

"Josh?"Erica hollered before entering back in the room,Erica talked and talked until his breaths returned back.

He fell asleep on the chair as Erica fell asleep on the chair beside him with her head on his shoulder her arm over his and josh holding max's hand.

A/n:and just like that..our books done until next year for season 5z

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