Part 1: The Path To Recovery

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[Today was fairly quiet in the heart of Alan's PC. Mostly, everyone was asleep, though as Purple stayed awake, his mind clouded with thoughts and worries. The dark room and sounds of his friends snoring really made Purple a bit irritated, and he slowly got up out of his bed to check the time.]

[Lucky for him, it was 7 am. This was the time when Chosen usually woke up and started training....for....God knows why. Chosen was still injured, and yet he just prefers to train instead of rest. But, he had to hand it to him....He was a hard worker.]

[Purple slowly opened the door and walked out, looking at the desktop before eyeing Chosen, sitting on the couch as he had a soda in his hand. His eyes were weary, and he looked half dead from where he stood.]

[Chosen noticed Purple standing there, and his eyes lit up slightly. He set his soda down on the floor before he stood up off the couch, waving in greeting.]

[Purple's eyes narrowed before he completely stepped out of the room, gently shutting the door behind him.]

Purple: Hey.....

[Purple walked towards the couch, a bit nervous to be around Chosen after what happened a few weeks ago. He still felt bad that Chosen got corrupted just because he wanted help, but Chosen seemed unbothered by Purple's presence. Maybe he forgave him...?]

[Chosen stretched out his limbs before sighing, staring at Purple with a small smirk.]

Chosen: What's up? You're up early...

Purple: I uh-.....I couldn't sleep. Too much on my mind.

[Chosen shut his eyes and nodded, a small shrug adding into it.]

Chosen: Can't blame you there. It's weird how easy the others can hold up after such a fight. It's- almost admirable.

Purple: Yeah... those guys are used to being on a battlefield...Same as you.

[Chosen frowned once Purple said that and turned away, making Purple frown as well. He got nervous again.]

Purple: Sorry... did I say something hurtful?

Chosen:'re fine.'s upsetting how right you are. In truth, no one should be used to the battlefield.....Even when I was first created, all I did was fight.

Purple: Oh.....

[Purple felt terrible about Chosen's life. He's never truly been free, nor had he actually had time to lay back and relax. Even if he could, it wouldn't be long before he was forced back into battle. Purple didn't know what to say to Chosen since he knew that his life wasn't as bad as Chosen's was.]

[He barely remembered his life to compare it to Chosen's, but that's what they were here for. They were all here to help him find the truth about himself. And maybe then, finally, he can become someone worth something. Suddenly, Chosen looked down at Purple carefully.]

Chosen: You know....if we're gonna help you uh- "find yourself", where exactly should we start?

[Startled by the sudden question, Purple turned away]

Purple: Uhm.....

Chosen: Sorry- too subtle. Maybe it'd be a good idea to wait until the others wake up?

Purple: Uh....yeah... That'd be good, I guess. I'm guessing you're finna train..? Even in your condition?

[Chosen huffed before he gave him a small smirk]

Chosen: Yep! Even when your body is aching, you still have to prepare for the worst. Even if the worst has already passed...

[Purple knew that Chosen's pain wasn't all physical. He had to witness the death of his friend, and not only that, he had to watch as his body was controlled by the hand of an unknown virus. It must've been heartbreaking to see himself like that, and Purple couldn't help but look at Chosen the same way he looked at Victim. He looked sorry.]

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