Part 20: An Unbeatable Force

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[Second slowly woke up, static in his ears as the world around him was white and brighter than ever. He groaned as he hesitantly sat up, rubbing his head. What just happened? One moment, he was awake, and now he's in a white room. For the moment, Second was just trying to regain consciousness, shaking his head and taking deep, assuring breaths.]

[Then suddenly, he looked up and saw a darkness on the other side of the strange room. He tilted his head for a moment before he heard someone call his name.]

Dark: Second....

[He flinched before looking over his shoulder, eyeing Dark standing behind him, his gaze firm and slightly irritated. His arms were crossed tightly over his chest, which made Second nervous.]

[Second didn't want to talk to him, but considering the fact that he's been here at least twice rang the bell in his head that talking was most likely his only way out.]

Second: What....?

Dark: I don't think you fully understand why you're here right now... but I can fill you in. A stickfigure by the name of The Perfect One knocked you out in a single blow by slamming you through metal.

[Second's eyes narrowed. He remembered the dark green stickman, but he didn't remember getting slammed through metal. He also recalled Connor mentioning something about The Perfect One, but it didn't really stick into his mind. But Dark was now able to see the future through a mirror, so he didn't deny Dark's evaluation.]

Second: Oh.....I got knocked out that fast? Jeez.... maybe I am getting too soft for my own good...

Dark: You're....soft....But not that soft. TPO is simply stronger than you in this state.

Second: What does that mean?

Dark: ........

[He was wondering if Second really remembered if he had an awakened state. He seemed lost and confused, but that was probably because he just woke up from a nasty hit. But to be certain, he asked a few more questions.]

Dark: Do you not remember during the battle you had with me? Your friends perished, and you went into that state of yours....which I call an awakened state....

Second: Red wanted to see me in a state.....I'm guessing he was talking about this awakened state...?

Dark: I guess so...? Also, while you were gone, you won't believe who's in this limbo with me now....

[Second was a bit startled by the thought of another person in here. Considering its a canvas limbo, it must be someone they've fought before.]

Second: Who?

Dark: Agent's in here with me now. He's trying to start his own civilization...kinda like how I did.

[Dark pointed to the dark side of the canvas as Second just stared at him with a sigh.]

Second: Well - at least it's good to know that they're dead.....We don't have to worry about them showing up and messing up our plans.

Dark: Plans, what plans? TPO is about to kill you guys, the workers are hunting you down, and Chosen is being held hostage. Your plan to free the subjects secretly has gone out the window.

[Second grunted, a bit offended, but he didn't argue with him there. The last time sneaking in didn't work, but they still won. He didn't think about loss as of right now since there was still a bit of hope.]

Second: Well- it failed when we fought you too...and we still won.

[Dark seemed to sneer at that statement before his eyes furrowed playfully yet aggressively]

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