Part 6: I'm Just Waiting

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[The area was bright as Second felt rather cold. He wasn't sure where he was yet again, but he eyed the blank white land with curiosity. It took him a second to realize that he was back where he saw TDL before. It looked the same as before despite Alan literally telling him that it was a blank canvas that he could draw on.]

[But something was different about this place now. It wasn't cold before, and not only that... Dark wasn't here. He was pretty sure that that was a bad sign, but he decided to walk around this time.]

[It was oddly quiet, and even his footsteps made no sound. He looked around the white void, trying to find any sight of Dark. He couldn't just leave this place since Alan confirmed that he was dead for good this time. So he must be around here somewhere.]

[Second wondered if he could talk now that he was able to roam the place with ease. So he took a small breath, his chest tightening.]

Second: Hello...?

[Surprised, his eyes widened. His voice echoed many times across the canvas, making Second look around uncomfortably. He didn't like how empty and spacious this place was. He wondered why Dark hasn't drawn anything yet. Was he unable to? Was something holding him back?]

Second: Dark? Are you here? Just say something.....

[There continued to be silence as Second continued to walk. He was a bit slower now as his uncertainty grew. But as he began to worry, he heard a voice echo.]

TDL: Second...? What are you doing here?

[Second turned around quickly to eye Dark behind him, his arms crossed as his eyes were shining their normal red tint.]

Second: I......I don't know why I'm here. If this is your limbo, then I shouldn't be in it if I'm alive still.

TDL: I don't want to know why you are here....but since you are, I can finally talk to someone other than myself...

Second: No. No- I don't want to talk to you after what you've done.....I want to leave....this is just a dream... a very horrific dream!

TDL: It's more of a dream to me than you, trust me.

[Second turned around to face him entirely as the cold strangely began to fade. Did that mean he was becoming used to this place? Something about Dark was off now that he thought about it. Dark wasn't being as hostile as he was when he first came here. He actually sounded really grumpy but understanding. And for Dark....that was more than weird.]

Second: Why do you sound like that? And why haven't you done anything in this world- Didn't Alan say it was your imaginary canvas?

TDL: Exactly. My canvas. You can't see it, but I made a few adjustments in this hell I've been placed in. And I don't understand why you asked the first question.

Second: What-, why are you talking like that?

TDL: Yeah.

Second: What do you mean you don't know why I asked that question?? You're acting more compassionate than the last time I was here.....What's the deal?

TDL: Maybe I'm just in a good mood.

Second: How can you be in a good mood if you're constantly living in this place? That's merely impossible.

TDL: Eh. I can see why you'd think that. You can only see the white void. But coming to terms with death isn't exactly a bad thing when you realize you can do anything your mind can think of.

[Second was silent for a second as he stared at Dark's eyes. They were just as red as they were when he was alive, but Dark didn't seem to be in terms of what he just said. He seemed stiff as his eyes were aggressively staring through him like he was a ghost.]

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