Part 11: Ëľěvęñ

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" - You're so perfect. Everything about you is perfect. Your features, your personality, your coding, your power, your appearance....Everything is just....Perfect. - "

........Who......are you?

"Oh, sorry, I completely forgot that you have to learn names. You're like that of a child. Well, my name is Dove. I'm one of your main creators. - "

Dove......? Hm.....your name sounds majestic. Doves are known to be the essence of grace and hope.


A hope that I need....

"Why does such a powerful being like you need hope? - "

What kind of question is that? I just.....don't feel very hopeful. I know of my mission, Dove......I know what my purpose in life is....Yet.....I have a feeling you guys fear me. You fear what I will do to you guys once you release me.

" - You are not feared by most of us. Some, yes, but not many. I am one of those people who know you will not disappoint everyone here. - "

You are one of my masters- you're only saying that because you created me...

" - Wrong. I'm saying it because your coding is purified. I made sure that another mistake would not walk past the SSO's gates. - "


"Why so timid? Do you fear talking to me? - "

You hurt stab me, shock me....You make it hard to live.....Why must I be perfect....if I have to go through this torture?

"Don't you want to make us proud to be a birthing place for life? Don't you want to continue making life such as you? A being who is constantly perfect in every way, shape, and form? - "

......Is being perfect.....nothing but pain? I don't think everyone can take this pain like I have, master.....I mean ... Dove.

" - Life outside of these walls is infested and poisoned. Everyone is different, and it's driving our world apart. Differences are said to not matter... But if it doesn't, why are people killed every day by differences? - "


" - Our goal is to make the world perfect. There will be no differences. There will be no violence over who likes what and who hates what. Everyone will be the same, so no more death stains our ground. - "


" - And it all starts with you. - "


" - Yes darling. You are the piece to the puzzle. You are the cake and the icing. You are the starter to this peaceful world. Once you're freed, you will first do your mission and then reproduce. You will make this world great once again! - "

Dove......I don't think I can be the start of a new world. I am simply a killer.

" - Yes. But you're only killing Chosen and TDL....And if you want to....our departed boss. - "

Do you speak of Victim? Sorry master, but I can't kill him.

" Oh? Why not? He betrayed us as well. He couldn't see how true peace worked and left his own creation - his own piece of art!! Why can you not kill him?! - "

Just that. He is the creator of this organization. Without him, you wouldn't have this wonderful job, I'm assuming....

" - I never wanted this job at first glance. Honestly, it was the only thing here I could get ahold I took it. - "

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