Part 18: Nobody Is Truly Perfect

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[Victim ran through the hallways, taking many turns that left the others gasping for air. Victim was using his memory to try and find different control rooms, and the severity of the situation made him more focused than ever.]

[King and Electro were the main ones able to keep up with him, though, as the others slightly lacked behind him. Victim then turned another corner, revealing a door. He hesitated before walking up to the door, setting his hand on the doorknob.]

Yellow: I'm getting Deja vu....I feel like we've done this before.

Magenta: Me too.

Victim: [ " Probably because you had to open doors back at TDL's base. " ]

Yellow: Oh yeah. That's probably why.

J.G: We need to hurry. We don't know where the others are right now, so we need to pick up the pace in case they are in mortal danger...

[Victim slowly turned the knob to the door, slowly peering in as the others began to stack over him to catch a peek. They saw many t.v's in the dim room, lighting up the place as the whirring sound of fans made the room seem less empty.]

[Once Victim saw that no one was in the room, he opened the door fully, walking inside as he looked at the tv.s. Each one shined down on many parts of the facility, and some were static. Maybe the others took down a few cameras while they were on their way here. Once Yellow was the last person in, he slowly and gently shut the door before looking at the t.v's]

Orange: Jackpot.

Magenta: Jackpot indeed! I think if I can hack into the system, I should be able to shut these cameras down and erase the data. Even if the cameras can not see the others, there are other ways to see an invisible person.

Victim: [ " Hm, fair point. Alright hackers...let's see what you can do. " ]

[Yellow looked to Magenta as they both nodded and walked up to the control panel, taking out the many tools they brought with them. The others watched the t.v's with caution, making sure the cameras or the workers don't spot the others.]

[Orange realized that this one room was probably important to the workers and went ahead and locked the door too, just to be completely safe]


[Chosen was hot on the trail that Dove left, and his eyes were dark with hatred and curiousity. He turned another corner before gasping softly, sliding to a stop as he saw many workers walking towards him with their guns raised.]

[Of course, Chosen didn't want to plow through them just yet and saw many crevices and areas where he could skip by. He then noticed his arm fading in and out of invisibility and worry clouded his mind. He had one more invisibility potion left, but he didn't want to use it just yet.]

[He wanted Dove to see him. He wanted her to see how much he's grown as a person and as his title he was forced upon. He smirked at the thought before he raced towards the workers. He leaped through a gap between the two workers before sliding underneath a worker's legs before slamming himself against the wall to let the other worker pass.]

[As the workers went around the corner, Chosen relaxed a bit before eyeing the door that Dove went through. He raced up to the door, his invisibility still flickering as he tried to find a way in, but the metal door was slammed shut.]

[His eyes went dull for a moment in defeat, but he then noticed a little ID Scanner on the left side of the door. It buzzed and beeped as the lights flashed brightly in his eyes. He walked up to the machine, staring at it with thought.]

[Chosen realized that he didn't have time to knock out a worker to get an ID card, so he simply sent his fist into the machine, shattering it as the door quickly opened. At this point, his invisibility was gone. He flinched at the sudden brightness the room had, but he also cringed from the strange smell.]

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