Part 17: Endangerment

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[They walked for many miles through the forest, always on alert. They didn't know what to expect here. They didn't know who would see them, and they didn't know whether they'd be a foe or an ally. Purple stayed close to Green as King was close beside him.]

[Purple felt uneasy. After all this anger over the company, he wasn't sure if he could handle walking into it first-hand. Sure, he was willing to risk his life to free the captives, but he was worried about The Perfect One. Whoever this guy was, Connor made him sound very dangerous... Especially if he has bits of Chosen and Dark's coding.]

[Victim cut a few leaves down with his sword before he was now in a wide grassland. The others came from behind him, sighing. Victim's eyes narrowed as he huffed in relief. They were finally at the SSO. Victim then turned to the others, signaling them to drink their potions.]

[They nodded as they took out their potions and popped open the top. Green was struggling to open his and was forced to use all his strength to get it off. But when it popped off, he jolted back, his head hitting Purple's as he grunted.]

Green: Oop- Sorry....

Purple: problem....

Victim: [ " Alright. If I remember correctly, it should be a piece of cake to get into the company while being invisible. But to get in, you need an ID card....But mine was erased ages ago. So Chosen, you're gonna have to blast the door down... " ]

[Chosen smirked before scoffing]

Chosen: My pleasure.

Second: Woah, woah, won't that draw attention? Chosen isn't known to be quiet when he blows things up...

Chosen: Nothing is quiet when something blows up, Second.

Second: Well- can't we find a better solution than that?

[Victim hummed before he looked up at the roof of the SSO. It was a bit blurry for him to see since it was still a few ways away, but he got a good vision of what the roof was probably like.]

Victim: [ " Maybe King Orange can teleport us to the roof and Chosen can use his lazer vision to carve out a hole for us to get in. " ]

[Second thought about it before nodding]

Second: That works.

D.B: But once we get in, we must be stealthy. The Go Team especially.

Chosen: Wait, why do we need to be stealthy? If we open even one prison, the SSO will probably know.

Electro: Not exactly.

[Everyone turned to Electro, who glared at the building from afar, his eyes nothing but dark slits. It hurt him to see this place again, but he knew that he was here again for a good cause.]

[Rexxy also saw the building, and his eyes widened in sorrow. He remembered everything from that company from the humble beginnings to the moment he was freed. He didn't want to come back. He tugged on Connor's arm, whimpering to show his fear and uncertainty.]

[Connor noticed him tugging anxiously on his arm, and honestly, it was killing him to know that Rexxy would be in this fight. He wanted to leave him at home, but even then, he would be lonely yet again. Although it scared him, Rexxy had to come with him.]

Electro: They have to open the cells to grab subjects for testing. So maybe we open the cells for the subjects to go out, and then White can make clones of everyone.

[Everyone seemed taken aback, not expecting White to have such an ability. White rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly as they turned to White curiously.]

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