Part 23: What Am I?

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[TPO was getting a bit overwhelmed since the other sticks were the same speed as him now. He resorted to simple dodges and blocks before he got hit hard in the face, knocking his jaw out of place before he rolled across the floor.]

[Turquoise stared at TPO with an angered look before he turned to the others with a concerned glare.]

Purple: Green?! Green.....are you okay?! If you can hear me show us anything!!

[Red's eyes were filled with tears still as Chosen tried to find a pulse from Green. It took him a second, but he kept his fingers on his neck just in case. As he rubbed his neck, he felt a gap in it. His eyes popped open. He removed his hand slowly, his eyes now trembling as Red turned to him with a confused and horrified glare.]

Red: What is it? What's wrong...?!

[Purple looked up at Chosen, tears already rolling down his face. His expression didn't look joyful, which struck Purple with grief.]

Purple: Did you find his pulse..?? You at least felt his pulse, right..?!

[Chosen was deathly silent for a minute as his eyes were locked on Green. In his eyes, the world was moving slower, and the area was starting to fade to a dark red. Grief struck his heart so hard that anger was almost instantly covering his body with flames.]

Purple: RIGHT?! You found something, right?!

Chosen: He......he has a gap - in his neck....I- I think......his n-neck snapped.....

[Red nearly collapsed at that sentence as Purple took a small breath. He then looked to Green, gently moving his head. It wasn't visible to them that his neck snapped until Purple let go of his head. His head slumped farther down than a normal stick, and Purple flinched away, yelling in anguish as Red gripped Green's hand.]

Red: You''re kidding me....? So does that m-mean.....

Chosen: likely dead....

[Red's eyes widened for a moment before they shrunk down to a dim grey color. Purple was screaming out slurs as Chosen lowered his head slightly. Turquoise could feel their grief from where he stood and couldn't help but frown.]

[They just lost two people in less than 5 minutes. This guy really was a pain. He then looked back over to TPO to eye that he was gone. His heart sunk before TPO appeared behind Turquoise and sunk his teeth into his shoulder. He yelled out in pain, directing the others attention.]

Purple: Turquoise!?

Red: DAMN!

[Chosen slowly stood up as his body seemed to spark in flames. He then dashed into a trail of flames as he raced into TPO. TPO was now completely covered with flames as he rolled across the floor. TPO gripped his hands into the metal, though, and pulled it up to form metal spikes that hurdled towards Chosen.]

[Chosen looked at the spikes before he flipped over them. One headed towards Turquoise, but Chosen swatted it aside. As it flew into the wall. Purple and Red watched this with awe before hearing a soft voice speak.]

◇~ Guys..... ~◇

[Purple grunted shakily as Red instantly glared to Second. He still looked out of it, but it was good to know that he was awake finally.]

Red: Second!! You're awake!

Purple: L-long time no see buddy....b-but...kinda a bad time to -

◇~ Who got killed....? ~◇

[Purple was caught off guard by Second's calm but hushed demeanor. He honestly had no reason to act like that, and personally, he was used to Second waking up in a daze. Purple's eyes narrowed softly as he thought about Green and Grey. Sure, it wasn't the first time seeing them die, but it still hurt like hell to see them die so brutally.]

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