Part 13- Fight Your Past

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Heads Up! This is a long part due to the fact that there are many pair-ups here! Some aren't really important, so im probably gonna skip them if i can! ^^


Purple: Oh no? What, oh no?

Red: I remember this place. This is Monster School, a place where monsters go to school at...basically...

Purple: ......Oh. That's...a good reason to say oh no....

Red: may not be a too bad oh no. I befriended a few guys here. Maybe they can help us get out of here.

Purple: You're really certain a bunch of monsters can help us find a way back to the forest?

[Red was quiet for a minute, realizing that Purple probably thought he sounded stupid for saying that monsters could help, but he knew his friends. He gave a confident nod to Purple, who looked towards the school doors with a sigh.]

Purple: Well.....not like we have much choice....I don't see the forest on any side. Maybe our only to get help from the monster friends you made.

Red: Yeah. Okay, so look for a spider, enderman, and a skeleton. Those are the guys I befriended.

Purple: OHHHHH- I remember those guys now. They helped fight my dad way back when....

Red: Yeah!

Purple: That's weird because I genuinely thought they were doing that because they had no other option....

Red: They agreed to help. I think they knew the consequences yet still risked themselves to help me.

Purple: Wow. They're almost as good as me.

Red: Purple.....I had to bash your skull in when you tried to sneak by and take the Minecraft block from us...

Purple: Pft- Do you still remember that? Jeez....your memory must be as strong as a machine's....

Red: Not really. It's just really hard to forget.

[Red then walked up to the school doors, noticing how banged up the doors looked. Purple walked up from behind as Red reached his hand up to knock....But he hesitated.]

[He looked to the ground softly, his eyes narrowing as he seemed to think about something. Purple noticed Red go still and hummed.]

Purple: What's wrong...?

Red: I remember that there were a lot of monsters who hated me....specifically the entire school....If I walk in there, I'm scared we'll get attacked.

Purple: Oh.. Well, who's the teacher? Maybe he can help?

[Red thought for a moment before gasping. Herobrine was the teacher. His heart pounded for a minute before he began to hyperventilate. Purple's eyes widened at Red's strange behavior before he simply gripped his shoulders, slightly shaking him.]

Purple: Hey.....Red, you okay?

[Red quickly calmed down before he lowered his hand away from the door.]

Red: I-.....I don't know if I want to go in there anymore.....what if.....what if Herobrine's alive - and.....and-

Purple: Come on, this Herobrine guy can't be too bad.....

Red: He possessed me....twice!

Purple: I-......oh....THAT'S Herobrine....

Red: Y- Yeah....

Purple: The guy who made you float?

Red: Yeah....

Purple: And made that giant Obsidian stickfigure-?

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