Part 3: Take, Break, and Conquer

42 3 14

Warning: Talks about Drugs, Death, and Self-Harm!!


[As Purple sat down on the couch, Alan turned off his computer like Second asked him to, the lights shining in Purple's face as he winced.]

[Nervous, he glared at King as he stepped up, his eyes soft as he looked down at him, the others standing around him to try and help to their best ability.]

King Orange: Alright, Purple.....I've spent a while writing down these questions and what you may or may not know. If the questions are too tough for you to remember the answer to, just tell me to skip. This isn't to make you uncomfortable, this is to help you find hidden memories and help us figure out where we need to go from....

Second: Yeah, and if you don't want to answer anything, pass the question..

Purple: Okay....I think I understand....

[Yellow nodded to Purple from the sidelines with a smile before Purple nodded back, taking a deep breath.]

Purple: I'm ready....hit me with it.

King Orange: Okay....First question.....What are the current memories you have with your parents? Excluding me since I'm new...

[Purple took a second to think as Orange sat down. He didn't remember a lot of things since King Orange was the only family member he's truly had the time to meet. But the more he thought about it, the more he remembered some small details.]

Purple: I....faintly remember a field of pink roses....and I think I.....I went there for some reason.....

[Victim wrote down Purple's answers in a mini-notebook as the others simply stood there in anticipation.]

Orange: Anything else -

Purple: And....- I remember picking a rose and handing it to someone... but I can't recall who...

Orange: Okay, that's fine. Is that all you can remember?

[Purple quickly nodded as Orange nodded back and looked back at the sheet.]

Orange: Next question: Do you remember anything about......the time when the SSO was around? As a matter of fact, do you remember anything about the SSO?

[Purple's head jolted back in confusion, but Green's eyes popped open when Orange asked that, catching Blue's attention.]

Purple: The SSO....? Like a company?

Orange: I wouldn't say it's a company. It's more like an organization used to do some questionable things..

[Purple thought for a minute before he eyed Green, who glared at him with shock before turning away. His eyes narrowed as he clenched his fists to restrain himself from yelling at him again. King noticed his fists, and his eyes opened slightly.]

Purple: To answer your question, dad, no. I've never heard of the SSO...

Orange: Really?! That's interesting, actually...-

Purple: What...? How so?

[Orange stopped moving to glare at Purple, whose fists finally loosened. Orange shook his head suddenly, sighing.]

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