Part 2: My Curiosity's Demon

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Purple: What are you talking about? Second- you do realize that you were dreaming.....right? What you saw wasn't real!

Second: I don't felt real to me. The way he spoke....I'm not so sure if it was reality or not...but he spoke with confidence. He wanted me to hear him, and I couldn't wake up fast enough not to hear him...

[Purple was a bit concerned for Second now that he brought up the dream. If Dark was really eager to kill Second, that would be a problem for everyone. Purple didn't know what he would do if Second suddenly died out of the blue, but considering that it was just a dream, he relaxed a bit.]

[As Blue helped Red cook, Green turned to them, seeing Purple's eyes and getting rather confused.]

Green: What's going on?

[Second and Purple glared at Green now, Second's gaze steady and sincere]

Second: I had a dream last night about Dark.....He seemed happy, but he looked angry and vengeful towards me. His aura wasn't as strong as it was when he was alive, so he must be dead for good this time. But I'm still worried...

Green: It's just a dream, Second. We don't have enough proof to say that Dark wants to do anything to you. We need to rest and forget about Dark for a day or two....

Second: I can't forget about someone who killed you guys in seconds flat.

[Green went silent at that comment before he turned away to sigh. Second's eyes seemed to soften once he realized that Green most likely didn't like the fact that he died. Instantly, he set his hand on his shoulder]

Second: Hey, no shame in that Green. You guys fought as long as you could. I mean, what I said was in the sense that Dark couldn't be redeeemed-

Green: I know what you meant. It's just a shame that we couldn't end the battle quickly like we intended. Because of our slowness, you nearly got corrupted... and we would've lost....everything.

[Second's eyes narrowed, a bit upset at Green's guilt towards the situation. He made it sound like this was all their fault, which angered him a bit.]

Second: None of this is because of you guys- don't talk nonsense. We wouldn't have gotten Chosen without you. You do realize that, right...?

[Yellow leaned over, overhearing the conversation.]

Yellow: Second, no offense towards your statement, but we didn't have anything to do with Chosen's thing. We didn't even do our job correctly. We were supposed to find a control panel and make sure no one found you, and that worked smoothly, didn't it?

Green: Exactly. We messed up. And because we messed up, we jacked up our mission and essentially killed ourselves...

[Second was silent as Purple just looked at them with pity.]

Purple: What happened to the fact that we were gonna forget everything about the war? This is a time to rest, not argue over who did what...!

[There was silence before everyone turned towards the sound of the pan hitting a solid surface. Blue set the pan in the sink as Red passed out the plates of a normal bacon and eggs meal to the others.]

Yellow: Oooh-!

Red: Made with care!

Blue: More like made with fear. I basically had to help you with everything.

Red: Oh whatever you bi-

[Blue threw a soapy dish-rag at Red's face, making a loud slapping noise which made the group laugh as Red yelled, getting soapy water in his eyes.]

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