Part 10- A Coded Killer

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Before you read this, there is something you need to read first:

×This part is quite long since it has 4 POV's. So I will list the pov's that will take place in this part.

*Second [and the gang's] POV
*The SSO [Specifically The Perfect One's POV]
*Connor and Rexxy's POV

×Warning: This Part Contains Swearing And Topics of Death and Abuse!

Although this part is informative, if you aren't comfortable reading with these types of things, please don't read this part! 🙏

But if you're still reading, you've been warned...

Enjoy! ^^



I'm so cold....

Why am I cold yet so warm?


Why am I warm..?


My eyes refuse to open....Is it because I shouldn't be able to see the world?

How is......How is that fair?

What have I done to deserve no sight?

I haven't even stepped a single step yet....


I have a purpose to fulfill, yet I'm trapped in this....thing. Cold, blinded, and deaf.

I want out.

I'm in pain.

What this pain something only God can describe.

My lungs are dry, and I can not breathe without stuttering.

The people outside my prison talk about my release, yet pester me with tubes, injections, and shocks....

They hurt me, but I love them.

I love that they gave me life.

I love that they gave me meaning.

They gave me something to care about...

My purpose is to kill those who have betrayed and escaped the SSO's gifts.

They hold too much knowledge and must be killed.....That I know.


I hear them....

I hear them talking...

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