Part 12- Seperated

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[As Purple stepped through the portal, he stumbled to catch his footing, realizing that he was on the edge of a cliff. He yelled softly as his eyes were locked on the abyss below him, covered by a white mist. His yells echoed through the large ravine, almost taunting him as he swirled his arms around to try and push himself back.]

[Fear was in his eyes until he finally caught himself and stepped back, not sure where he was as he looked around.]

Purple: Where the-

[Victim walked out of the portal, noticing the ravine before eyeing Purple, who was still panting. Victim kneeled down next to the ravine, eyeing the floating mist, and his eyes softened.]

Victim: [ " I feared that it would've changed... " ]

Purple: What?

[Red walked through the portal, tripping on the edge of the Obsidian as he leaned forward with a yell, trying to catch his footing as Victim grunted, turning around just for Red to crash into him, sending him off the edge.]

[Red immediately looked up in horror as Purple gasped, racing up to the edge in worry. But Victim flew up into the air, his wings glowing with the sun's rays. Victim looked at Red with an irritated look while Red stood up, rubbing the back of his head.]

Red: My bad....

[Victim slowly hovered back to land as the others cautiously stepped through. As they surrounded the strange area, they seemed to all look around in sync, interested where they ended up.]

White: Woah....This place is nearly covered with mist. I can barely see where I'm going...

Tan: Any idea where we are, Victim?

Victim: [ " Yes. We are at the heart of the internet. This is where all internet sources are connected, giving all computers access to websites, games, and apps. " ]

D.B: Oh. So this is where literally where everything is tied to....Interesting.

Purple: Yeah, but Victim, what did you mean by you were worried this had changed?

Victim: [ " When I last came here, it looked nothing like this. The mist was never here... and neither was this ravine... " ]

[White walked up to the edge, looking down it as a pebble fell off the edge and disappeared within the mist. His eyes narrowed before he backed up, looking behind him to eye the misty forest, the hooing of the wind making him shudder.]

White: So where exactly are we supposed to be going? I'm pretty certain this isn't where we are supposed to be.

[Victim stood up as well before he spread his wings, making the wind brush past.]

Victim: [ " You're right. This isn't where we're supposed to be. The portal should've taken us to the Main CPU, where all of the portals are. Those portals lead to many of the Never-Realms. The portal we're looking for is a square with a green portal. " ]

Chosen: But where do you think you're going?

Victim: [ " I'm going to see if I can find the Main CPU. Maybe it's close by. " ]

Peach: And if it isn't?

Victim: [ " I don't know..... " ]

Tan: What do you mean you don't know?! We followed your instructions because we thought YOU knew!!

Victim: [ " I didn't recall this place to be here! It's been years.....I understand you're scared, but there is no sense in yelling. " ]

Tan: Scared?! Whose scared?! Ha- I know you're not talking about me?!

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