Part 4: It's Perfect

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P.S. This takes place at the SSO organization! Characters in this part are mine and speak in ancient tongue. (Basically, they talk funny, and it may be hard to understand them...)

/*^ WARNING: Contains Swearing, Self-Harm, and possibly a bit of Manipulation!! ^*\



[The walkway was nothing but quiet as the air felt heavy and cold. The cracks of feet from the workers were the only sounds that could be heard, and even then, they were softer than a gentle breeze.]

[A worker walked by, his mind elsewhere as he wandered the halls, the plain grey walls making it feel like he was a rat in a maze, trying desperately to find an exit. The silence was eventually broken up by the sound of loud chatter, possibly an argument between two workers yet again.]

[As the worker walked closer to the place he was headed, he eyed the glass windows to the left of him. The glass was tinted, so it was hard to see who or what was inside the room, but the worker knew full well what was in that room and pitifully kept walking.]

[As he reached the room door, the chattering was at its loudest. It was definitely an argument. Over what? There wasn't anything to argue about anymore. The harm has been done.]

[The worker walked into the room and was greeted with multiple electronic stations, which lined up neatly in a horizontal line. Most of the people were sitting down at their assigned computers and there were the other people who sat at a round table near a capsule, containing the "project" no ordinary worker could know about nor see.]

[The worker glared around, catching a few gazes before the shouting softened down a bit. The next thing he knows, his best friend and boss, Nolan, approached him, his expression famished.]

Nolan: There you are, Connor! What was the reason for your falter? We needed you ages ago...!

Connor: Apologies.....My help was required at the Medical Bay. A child was in need of care...

Nolan: Well then, I will not be upset with you there....but next time, please be quick....We need you to help resolve this infuriating conflict...

[Nolan grabbed Connor's wrist and dragged him towards the table, getting multiple stunned looks from average workers. Connor didn't want anything to do with the feud, but he was known as the problem solver out of everyone in the facility, which says a lot since they were all supposed to be equal-minded.]

Connor: Why must I fix every problem I'm thrown into?

Nolan: You are the most logical. It is a shame that you aren't a head.....It would be comforting to have you solve this many problems as a head, not a scientist...

[As they reached the table, Connor instantly cringed in worry. He saw Dove, one of the main heads who always loved to prove people wrong, David, who had a really short temper and can easily break your arm if he wanted to, Noi, who was a sweetheart but not really a good negotiator, and Kelly, a blind woman who never does things correctly.]

Nolan: Stop the excessive chattering and face Connor about this conflict. See what he says as you will.

Connor: Mh....You all have more feuds than that of the subjects... and they are caged like rodents. What is the problem?

Kelly: We were discussing the testing of Subject A-1AN to see if we could launch it early, but the issue is that Dove and the other heads have given us no intel on what the project is and what it can potentially do to us and this facility.

Dove: Aye - Multiple people know what it is!! Your lower-ranked simpletons! You were not informed because we knew you'd have backlashes towards its inevitable launch! Just like as you are doing right now!

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