Part 15- The Main CPU

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[The group seemed to be walking forever until they got back out of the forest. Every step cost them. But they soon came out of the forest completely, now looking towards the ravine with doubts. The good news was that they were able to stand on their own now but were still too tired to run or do any other movements, really.]

[White went over to the ravine, the blackness making him uncomfortable as the silence added onto his doubt.]

White: Who's jumping first?

Red: Don't look at me. I didn't bring a chicken spawn egg...!

[White blinked, not sure what that had to do with the ravine but just shrugged it off as D.B walked up]

D.B: I'll go. I don't have much left to live for anyway.

Magenta: Wow, hurtful.

Victim: [ " You're still doubtful that this leads to nowhere. It's starting to cloud your mind with deadly thoughts. You could be just exaggerating and showing fear for no reason. " ]

D.B: I don't think a normal human being would be happy about jumping into a ravine, Mr. Wingstop....

[Victim wasn't a fan of the joke and narrowed his eyes]

Victim: [ " That joke was terrible. Actually, yeah, you go first for making such a stupid joke. " ]

J.G: I......- I kinda thought it was funny....

[Victim turned to J.G, noticing his innocent but fearful eyes as he looked up at him. The size difference was impeccable, and Victim really wanted to throw him in there with D.B. just for supporting his joke. But his dad was there, so he just gave him a warning glare.]

[Red and Second were snickering behind his back as Yellow coughed, pretending he wasn't just laughing. D.B. then rolled his eyes, smirking at Victim before he looked down at the ravine. He took a deep breath before he began to step back, the others now watching in anticipation.]

[As Red waited for him to jump, he eyed the portal they came from, but it was no longer showing the portal itself, and Red raised a brow.]

Red: Uh- did someone close the portal before we left?

[Everyone turned to the portal now, eyeing the portal completely deactivated. Suddenly, they heard D.B. yell and swiftly turned back to the ravine just to see him leap off. White's instincts almost forced him to go after him, but he stopped himself, his eyes now soft and hopeful that D.B. would be okay.]

Green: Okay- so D.B. jumped, and now we have a deactivated portal. Orange, did you do that?

Orange: No. I left it open. Maybe it closed itself from inactivity?

Victim: [ " Portals don't close from inactivity... " ]

Orange: Bro, I tried to destroy this game, not learn everything about it. How do you expect me to know that?

Purple: You learned about it to try and destroy it, dad...

[Orange was quiet before he shook his head. White was still standing anxiously over the cliff, hearing nothing from D.B. He was getting scared, and he prayed that they didn't come here for nothing but a battle.]

[Everyone was quiet now as they waited to hear something from D.B. The silence was deafening, but it had to be quiet to hear someone who was that deep into a ravine.]

[Suddenly, White heard a yell echo up to them and jolted in surprise.]

White: D.B?!

Red: Phew....Almost thought he died there. I'm glad he didn't, though!

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