Part 8: A New Warning

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Green: Oh, thank the CPU.....they agreed to help us! I was thinking they'd say no after literally dying during the war.

Red: Me too, honestly. I have been missing them, though....I can't wait to see this new recruit guy, though! He sounds like he knows a lot about the SSO....

Victim: [ " I didn't think that my company would spread across so many lives like this. It's a shame that we are no longer a secret company anymore. " ]

Chosen: Were we not supposed to know about it?

Victim: [ " No? I wanted it to be a secret company that stickfigures don't know about. It was going to be for their own safety since if people knew, they'd be begging us to make people that shouldn't exist. " ]

Blue: Who'd want you to create something that horrible?

Victim: [ " Don't underestimate the minds of some people. " ]

Second: Well, they said they'll be here in 30 minutes, so in the meantime, maybe we should start training again....?

Purple: Training?

Second: You Fighting? Look, we've been sitting on our butts for a while now, sure. But don't tell me you forgot what training is?

Chosen: I haven't.

Second: I know. You were training a day after the war. As a matter of fact, is your body even healed after all of this time?

Chosen: It's good enough for me to live through, so yes, I'm healed.

[Second's eyes narrowed suddenly before he shut the computer and handed it to Green, who gently took it]

Second: Give this back to Yellow....If he's awake...

[Green nodded before walking off to Yellow's room, the others standing around cluelessly. Blue then eyed Second, who got out of his chair and stretched.]

Blue: So how exactly are we gonna train?

[Second gave Blue a weird look before he took his sword out of his inventory. Blue backed up slightly as Second moved away from the desk.]

Second: Just simple fights. Do you all have a sword?

[Green looked at Red, who pulled out his sword and glared at it carefully. Green hummed as he looked through his inventory and found an iron sword. It wasn't as good as Diamond, but it was good enough. King Orange just stood there, his staff in his hands as he turned to Victim and Chosen, who didn't take out any weapons.]

[His eyes narrowed on them for a moment, eyeing their stern and solid expressions.]

Orange: Uh, guys? Do you not have weapons?

Chosen: King Orange, by now, you should know me enough to know that I don't use weapons like I used to. I have myself and my power as a weapon... It's been like that for a while, and I'd rather keep it that way...

Orange: But Chosen, if you get slashed, I would assume that you can't block that with just your hand.

Chosen: I am aware. You'd think I'd let a sword touch me?

Orange: Dark's blade touched you.....many times...

[Chosen grumbled for a moment before eyeing Green running back into the room. His frantic footsteps attracted the attention of everyone else as they turned to him, not comfused.]

Green: Guys, guys! Yellow-......Shaking.......! I'm lost- I- I-!

Second: Green-

[Second, set his sword on the table to grab Green's shoulders, trying to shake him out of his panicked state. Victim walked up to him carefully as he set his hand on Green's forehead. Second gave him a side eye before noticing Green was calming down now, taking deep breaths as his body was slightly shaking.]

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