Part 9: Training Trouble

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[Victim stood on a wooden podium that Green built with a bamboo stick in hand to represent a staff as the others stood in a line, their weapon of choice in hand. Alan was back online now as his cursor hovered beside Victim's wings. Chosen also walked over, the only one in line without a weapon which confused Purple slightly.]

Purple: Look, I get you don't use weapons, look out of place without one....

Chosen: I don't care. It's just a training session...

Green: Sure, Chosen, it's a training session....but wouldn't it be smart to at least wield one since you'll obviously get hurt if we slash you...

Chosen: I can protect myself from a simple sword slash.....Stop worrying about me..

Victim: [ " Same way you protected yourself from Yellow? " ]

[Chosen looked up at his brother, striking him a menacing glare as Yellow looked at the two with confusion.]

Yellow: Huh- Did.....Did me and Chosen fight...?

[Victim hummed, looking at Yellow's puzzled expression. His eyes then softened before he shook his head.]

Victim: [ " No, no... we're talking about something else.... " ]

Yellow: Oh....

Victim: [ " Anyway, your first training session will be a fair spar. Alan will choose who you are sparring with, and after you get assigned, face each other and wait for rules. " ]

[Everyone nodded as their attention drew over to the screen, eyeing Alan as he rubbed his chin decisively.]

Alan: How about Second and Green, Blue and Red, Yellow and Purple, and....King and Chosen?

[Second jolted in surprise as he looked at Green, who rubbed the back of his head nervously. Yellow gave Purple a blank stare before his eyes slightly narrowed at him. Purple knew that them sparring would be a bad idea, and Purple instantly raised his hand.]

Purple: Alan.....I know you weren't here when this happened, but uhm.....
Maybe you can switch Yellow to someone else but me?

Alan: Huh-? Why? Did something happen between you two?

[Yellow frowned before looking at the floor, making everyone seem to go still as Purple rubbed his arm gently.]

Purple: It's.....complicated.

Chosen: Not really, but I can take you on, Purple, if you want.

Purple: Sure, I guess....But no fire...! I'm not fireproof.

Chosen: Heh. No promises there, champ...

Victim: [ " Chosen, this is a fair spar. Meaning, no use of powers. " ]

[Chosen turned to Victim with a shocked stare before turning back to Purple with a heated sigh, steam replacing his breath as he held back his frustration.]

Chosen: Alright.....I promise....only because I have no other option....

Alan: So that means I'll have to move Yellow to a different person........Uhm....How about Red and King Orange spar and Yellow you can fight Blue?

[Red nodded to Blue as Red moved over to face King Orange, who threw his staff aside as it changed into an orange and black sword. He made his stance with a chuckle as Red gulped, still feeling a bit off, but now more nervous than anything.]

[Alan drew his cursor back into the air as he looked down at everyone getting in their stances. Victim hopped off the podium before it teleported near the kitchen, away from those who were sparring. He then walked around, fixing people's postures.]

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