Part 24: An Unexpected Re-Awakening

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[The company suddenly felt like it was doused in pressure, and TPO was now unable to move his body. He grunted softly before he stared idly at his hand, which was yet to turn the doorknob fully.]

TPO: What is this now....?

[TPO didn't have much time to react as he saw a green wave of light speed towards him. He grunted as the blast struck him through the door and onto the open field of grass. Windows shattered, and even the metal seemed to melt a bit. TPO quickly got to his feet, though, before looking at the facility with confusion.]

[TPO gritted his teeth slightly before eyeing a large green beam of light piercing through the ceiling and into the sky, making the blue sky turn into a grey sky with dark clouds. The wind took many seconds before it hit TPO, attempting to push him back. He simply stood there stonily, blocking the winds with his arms.]

TPO: What is going on now? Don't tell me these sticks are still trying to fight me.....Don't they understand the benefit of defeat? Why do they keep fighting?

[Connor and Rexxy were walking back to the facility when they were slammed by the wind, knocking Connor off the ground as Rexxy was sent flying past Connor, yelling.]

Rexxy: BUBBA!?

[Connor turned to him as he grabbed an arrow from his inventory, stabbing it into a tree before he gripped Rexxy's sleeve. Connor strained a bit before looking through the trees, eyeing TPO standing there with a menacing aura. Connor's eyes narrowed for a moment before he kept his eye on Rexxy, whose eyes were wider than the moon at this point.]

[TPO heard the voice of a child but didn't bother to look. He felt an unbearable weight in his chest and was more concerned about the light than anything. He was waiting for a stick to appear, summoning his sword once again.]

TPO: If you're still alive in there......come and get it.

[TPO twirled his sword for a moment before pointing it to the door as green flames swirled around it, making it glow. TPO's eyes were locked, and he was completely aware of his surroundings. The beam then disappeared with a loud boom, making TPO hum in confusion. He then realized no one was coming out and smiled.]

TPO: As I thought. Maybe that was just an after effect of killing that Orange stickman......his power is definitely something..... but of was no match for my own.

[TPO then heard a loud thud behind him and slowly turned to look over his shoulder, eyeing Connor and Rexxy on the ground. Connor crawled over to Rexxy, a hand on his back as he put the arrow back into his inventory.]

Connor: Are you okay?

[Rexxy slowly looked up to Connor before he slowly nodded, smirking afterward. But Rexxy saw something behind him and grunted.]

Rexxy: Bubba, look!

[Connor quickly turned around just to get bodyslammed into a tree by TPO, making the entire ground quiver. Rexxy gasped once the dust cleared to reveal TPO jabbing his arm into Connor's neck as Connor was pinned to a tree. Connor winced for a moment before he took small and raspy breaths.]

TPO: Connor......what a pleasure this is.

Rexxy: Wha-....Bubba?! What are you doing to him?!

[TPO slowly turned to Rexxy, striking him with a fear he had never felt before. Rexxy felt his heart skip a beat, and he was now frozen in place.]

TPO: None of your business, kid. You look maybe you should take a nap and let me handle this from now on.

[Rexxy was unable to talk as his entire body didn't seem like it responded to him at all. He then eyed TPO, smirking at him before snapping his fingers and making Rexxy instantly pass out. Connor saw how easy it was for TPO to knock out his brother and gasped.]

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