Part 7: Welcome Back To The Resistance...

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White: Okay, this is the last test before Galan declares the winner of the Stickman Olympics! So you need to actually give this everything you've got!

[He'd grow silent as he stared at his friends who were exhausted and plating like wild dogs. Sweat was constantly dripping off of them like a broken faucet. White's eyes narrowed slightly before he twirled his bamboo staff.]

White: Uh....why are you guys acting like that?

D.B: Dude.....we've been doing this.......heh....for 5 hours straight......with- no breaks!! We aren't like you, okay?! We can' this for 5 hours without a.....heh... water break....

[White rolled his eyes as Galan's cursor hovered away from them all and went to the bleachers as the others glared tiredly at White, hoping he'd give them a break finally.]

[White sighed for a moment before lifting his head and glaring at his exhausted friends.]

White: Fine...take 10 minutes.

[The others quickly raced to their water bottles, drinking from their water bottles like a baby drinks from a bottle. Once they drank all they needed, they laid back and exhaled a relieved and refreshed sigh. White smirked as he shook his head, trying to be disappointed in them but was simply too bubbly to be straight faced.]

[White then turned to face the benches nearby, eyeing a green hollow-head who was sitting by, staring at them with blank eyes.]

White: First impressions?

[The stick looked up at White before humming]

Green: Eh......Better than nothing, I guess. Don't get me wrong, I was expecting a bit more from you guys after hearing about the war and such. From what I heard, all of you died to a red hollow-head...

Magenta: His name is The Dark Lord...and yes we died to him....

D.B: He was too much....but in the end, Second brought us all back.....somehow. It's like he's been hiding himself from us the entire time....I've never seen him like that before.

Green: Oh. Who's Second?

D.B: The orange hollow-head back in the other dimension. He was the leader there.

White: Yeah. He was way stronger than he let on. least the battle's over. We can finally have some time to ourselves in our town without anyone wanting our heads on a silver platter...

J.G: Ain't that a relief....No robot spiders chasing us...

D.G: I agree, this is the best thing that has happened to us. I've never truly felt this peaceful in years...!

Green: And you said there was a green stick there, too?

White: Yeah... but don't be offended... he's a bit different than you.

Green: None taken. I expect a little difference from an alternate plane.

[Tan sat on the bench with Green, his towel laying carefully on his shoulder.]

Tan: So Green, are you joining us for the final test?

Green: I'm not able to. This is your test. I'm a new recruit, so you're supposed to show me what you guys got. Besides, you do realize that if I volunteer in a race, who do you think will win?

Tan: Hm. These tests have had nothing to do with our powers. Why should you use yours?

Green: Speed is a natural ability..not a power.

Tan: Sure...The many times I've seen you run around with green electricity surrounding your body, you expect me to believe that powers have nothing to do with your speed?

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