Part 25 (Finale): No Side Ever Wins

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TPO: No, no!! This isn't how this was supposed to go! How are you all alive?! I watched you all burn to nothing!

White: Maybe we did in your eyes....but you can't stop us so easily, TPO.

[White quickly raced into TPO's chest, sending him sliding back as he gripped his sword tightly in his hands. He growled slightly before ramming himself into White's sword, making their weapons spark a bit as TPO put all his weight onto White. White grunted for a moment before Turquoise ran up and shot an arrow at TPO's head.]

[The arrow bounced off of as White's sword began to crack. White was kneeled down, and strain covered his eyes as his arms trembled. TPO smiled before he felt glass hit his back. His strength weakened, and White pushed himself up, pushing TPO off of him.]

[He turned around, eyeing Orange with a teasing smirk on his face. TPO growled before getting hit down by White's sword. TPO hit the ground hard before looking up, his vision dizzy.]

TPO: How did you....get so strong?! This makes no sense!!

[TPO teleported away before White could pierce his back, and White hummed curiously. TPO then appeared beside him and quickly gripped his head, White frolicked for a minute before TPO's eyes squinted. He was trying to see the hint that made them stronger and alive even.]

[He then noticed the green eyes. It was so obvious, yet it took him ages to realize it. He then remembered the orange stickfigure having green eyes before, and his eyes seemed to shrink in horror. He then heard the sound of incoming flames and turned around just to become covered in flames.]

[Chosen leaped from the trees, breathing a stream of fire directly at TPO, his eyes showing focus. Second came after him, hopping out of the trees to glare at the ball of fire around TPO.]

Red: What took you two so long to show up?

[Second gave him a glare before looking back at the flames. TPO made the flames swirl around him, forcing Chosen to hault in the air and fly around him. TPO then turned the flames into daggers and launched them quickly at Chosen.]

[Chosen swerved an incoming dagger, watching as the dagger pierced a tree and made it burn in half. Chosen grunted as he looked back to TPO. Second pointed to TPO as the others gathered around him in a line. Chosen flew down as the others charged at TPO with a yell.]

[TPO's eyes narrowed as he watched the group of sticks charge at him. He couldn't help but feel even more excited knowing that he would probably kill them again. Two times in a row. It was a disgusting demeanor, but he enjoyed watching his victims suffer. He spread his arms out, smiling like a playful child as it looked like he was ready to hug the incoming calvary.]

[As soon as they got close enough, Turquoise pulled his arm back for a punch, but TPO simply grabbed his arm and twisted him onto his stomach, his foot on his back as he heard a loud crack. Turquoise grunted but didn't feel much pain as he normally would without the power up. TPO easily deflected and countered the others' attacks until he was impaled by a green pole.]

[His stomach began to spill black blood as he coughed up some as well. The pain was so unbearable that he was simply stuck in a crouch. His eyes shook in horror as he saw the black substance on the ground. What is this? It reminded him of oil, but it didn't have a smell at all. Confusion and horror lingered his mind, not expecting to get hit with something like this.]

[Meanwhile, Second had his arms crossed, staring at the scene with an utter rage that completely clouded his train of thought. Chosen saw TPO bleed for the first time and gasped, landing beside Second, immediately catching his attention.]

Chosen: Second, what are you doing?!

[Second blinked for a moment before looking back to TPO, creating another pole in his hands as he aimed it for TPO's head next. But as soon as he was about to launch it, Chosen grabbed his hand and aimed it down, making it shoot into the ground.]

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