chapter 1

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"Maya let's go you'll be late for your interview and you know how much Carina hates when people are late!" Andrew called from besides the front door.

"I still can't believe you didn't tell me that this assistant job was for Carina... she hates me and you know it. And I'm also not a big fan of hers either. She probably won't even give me the job." Maya said as she made her way to the front door while putting on her earring.

"If I told you it was for Carina you wouldn't have accepted the job. Plus she doesn't hate you Maya she.... she just strongly dislikes you. Also she's desperate for a new assistant and you know her better than anyone. Now come on we have 15 min." Andrew said as he opened the door for them to leave.

"Does she know it's me?"Maya asked while she put her seatbelt on.

"Yes. She wasn't happy but I convinced her to give you an interview." Andrew said with a smile which in return Maya gave him an eye roll.

"Oh come on. What you guys had was so long ago. I thought you two would've been over it by know. Come's to show you two are clearly not over each other." Andrew said with a small laugh.

"Don't say that! She cheated on me!" Maya said rolling her eyes and looking out the window.

"In all honesty you both cheated on each other." Andrew said not taking his eyes off the road.

"Uh no... she cheated on me first. I only did it after we were over." Maya said looking at Andrew.

"Did you even tell her you guys were over?" Andrew asked causing Maya to take a deep breath.

"I thought it was pretty clear." Maya Said not making eye contact.

"Look I'm going to tell you the same thing I told her. You are my best friend and basically my sister. She's also my sister and I love you both till the end of days but you guys are acting childish." Andrew said looking at Maya while he was at a red light.

When they arrived at Deluca Designs they were greeted by the security guards Ben and Dean.

"Good morning Mr. Deluca." Ben greeted with a smile.

"Ben I told you it's Andrew please." Andrew said placing a comforting hand on Ben's shoulder.

"Sorry Andrew. It's a work in progress." Ben replied as he shyly looked down.

"It's ok. Has my sister arrived yet? Andrew asked as he checked his phone.

"Uh no actually. You are the first Deluca of the morning." Dean answerd with a smile.

"Weird. She's usually here before me. Oh by the way this is Maya Bishop. Possibly Carina's new assistant. Maya these are our security guards Ben and Dean." Andrew said as he introduced them .

After their introduction Maya and Andrew made it to the 20th floor. There they were greeted by Carina's temporary assistance Jackie. In the middle of the introduction the elevator door opens reveling a very tired Carina.

"Hey look who decided to bless us with her presence." Andrew said with a small laugh.

"Shut it Andrea I don't have time. My morning is already chaotic." Carina said as she looked up from her phone only to come face to face with those blue eyes that will forever mesmerize her. She found herself staring for longer than intended.

"Right yes your interview. Give me 5 minutes while I get everything sorted." Carina said giving Maya an annoyed look before she started to walk away until Andrew stopped her.

"Ok I have to go. Carina be nice I mean it. You as well Maya. Don't kill each other. Maya come find me for lunch my office is on the floor below." Andrew said before placing a kiss on Maya's forehead and then Carina's and walking towards the elevators.

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