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"Class, it seems we have a new student! Where is "Caddy" Heron?" Mr Duvall announced to the class.

"Uh, it's actually Cady." The new girl shyly spoke.

"Ohhh my apologies. Welcome Cady, find a seat. And I'll let you get back to teaching, Ms Norbury."

As Ms Norbury continued to read out the daily announcements, Cady trudged to the middle of the class and looked around desperately for a seat, before deciding to just sit on the floor. Janis, Phoebe, and Damien shared a look and held back laughter, amused by the new girls antics. Soon after, the bell rang to go to first period, and Phoebe packed her things to head to the gym, where she now had PE. She was dreading this class, as it was the only one where she didn't have Janis or Damien in, and she basically had no other friends so she'd be stuck alone.

As she entered the change rooms, she froze in her spot. Her eyes fell on the blonde girl she had been pining over for years. Her hair was tied back in a neat ponytail and she had on a tank top and tennis skirt with the highest heels Phoebe had ever seen. She gawked at the seemingly perfect girl for what felt like ages until a sudden shove to her side pulled her out of her daydreams. "Move freak," a high pitched voice that could have only belonged to Gretchen Wieners whined from beside her. "Sorry." Phoebe said and hurried to a free space in which she could get changed into her gym clothes. They were hardly different to her normal clothes, just a pair of gym shorts and an old soccer jersey instead of her usual jeans and tshirt.

As she was bent down and laced up her trainers, Phoebe felt eyes boring a hole through the top of her head. She looked up and made eye contact with Regina, who quickly turned around. Weird, Phoebe thought, then gave herself a once over in case she had anything on her that would cause Regina to stare. Nope, she was all good. She finished tying up her laces and walked out of the change rooms, looking for a place in the stands to sit. She sat at the very back corner, where she knew she wouldn't have to sit next to anybody and waited for the rest of the class to come out and for the teacher to begin the lesson.

"Okay class," Coach Carr yelled, "today we're going to be doing soccer drills with a partner, and the team who can get through the most drills in an hour will get extra credit." Everyone suddenly turned to Phoebe. She had played soccer since she was little and had joined the boys soccer team a year prior because North Shore High didn't have a girls team (Janis had reacted to this news with a "What the fuck?" when Phoebe had mentioned it to her). Phoebe cowered; this many eyes on her made her uncomfortable to say the least. Luckily for her, Coach Carr had assigned the partners and began to read out his selected pairings. Unluckily for her (or maybe also luckily), she was paired with Regina. Regina scoffed and dramatically rolled her eyes, "Why am I stuck with that loser? She'll probably try to hit on me or something. Can we switch?" She asked Coach Carr. Phoebe's cheeks burned red. She didn't understand why Regina was so rude to her, especially when she was in a constant on/off relationship with Aaron, Phoebe's older brother. Surely her dating someone in Phoebe's family would at least urge her to be respectful.

"No Regina." Coach Carr drawled. Gretchen whispered something into Regina's ear which made her instantly sit up, a smirk appearing on her face.

Regina walked over to Phoebe and began to help setting up their space. "Just so you know, I'm only doing this for the extra credit so you better do well. And, I wanna make amends with your brother so can you tell him I'm sorry please?" Regina batted her lashes. Phoebe just stayed silent and kicked the ball to Regina.

The rest of the class was filled with an awkward silence between the two as they finished their drills. At the end, they had finished the most drills and earned that extra credit, which both girls were happy about. Phoebe began to approach Regina to thank her but was met with a long blonde ponytail being flicked in her face as Regina sashayed away.

As Phoebe got changed back into her regular clothes, she had the same feeling again that someone was watching her. She spun around and locked eyes with Regina, who just made a sour face and turned around to leave. What in the world is happening? Phoebe wondered to herself as she too exited the change rooms.

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