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As Regina re entered her home, she was met with her mom sitting on the couch with her arms crossed, watching the door. Regina took a deep breath, then approached the couch, sitting down.

"Honey, I'm thinking you might be a lesbian." Her mother claimed, whispering the last word like it was dirty. Regina rolled her eyes, noticing how the scene before her was reminiscent of the movie she had just watched.

"And so what?" she snapped.
"Are you and Phoebe.... dating?" Her mother asked nervously.
"Yes! Okay? Yes mother! But this doesn't mean I'm a lesbian, just that i'm attracted to girls."
Regina's mom put a comforting hand on her shoulder, "Oh, honey. this is just a phase you'll grow out of."
Regina groaned, frustrated at her mom's ignorance, "No, I'm not gonna grow out of it! I like girls and that's that!"
Regina's mom just frowned and said, "Okay, whatever you say."

Regina then stormed off to her room, fuming at her mother. She pulled out her phone, seeing that Phoebe had already messaged her.

Texts with P💖


Hey R, is everything okay?

My stupid mother just gave me a lecture that this is all just a phase I'll grow out of 🙄
But I don't think I will, I've never felt this way with anyone before.

I'll admit, neither have I.
I've had a crush on you for literal years, even when you were sooo rude to me.
And idc what anyone else says, your mom is totally wrong.
This isn't a phase.

Regina smiled, comforted by Phoebe's messages. God, I think I'm in love, she thought to herself. She flopped down on her bed, smiling like a maniac while scrolling through Phoebe's Instagram in a stalkerly manner. She really hadn't ever felt this way for anyone before; it was weird, but also really nice.


At Phoebe's house, Aaron was still salty at her and giving her the silent treatment. Though he was secretly glad his little sister was happy with Regina and Regina was seemingly happy with her, he was pissed about Halloween night. He found out that Cady didn't like him back and was instead using him to get closer to Phoebe, and then Phoebe completely blew him off for a ride. He had to walk home, drunk.

Phoebe tried everything to get him to speak to her again, even going as far as to cleaning his disgusting room for him in efforts to make it up to him. It was torture, he sat there on the couch ignoring her and reading a book while Phoebe was trying to capture his attention. Phoebe soon gave up, storming off to her room. Aaron smiled; his silent treatment was working.


The next morning, Regina picked Phoebe up again; this time, Gretchen had learned her lesson and was already sitting in the backseat. Regina tilted her sunglasses down, staring at Phoebe and biting her lip. "Hey, hottie." She said. Phoebe blushed.

"Hey, Gina!" Phoebe said, using a new nickname for Regina. Regina smiled at the cute nickname, while Gretchen glared; why was Phoebe allowed to call Regina Gina but not her? She was getting sick and tired of these double standards. Karen just sat there in the backseat, oblivious and waving to Phoebe. Phoebe waved back. Regina once again handed Phoebe the music controls. Gretchen scoffed.

"Hey, Gretchen? Did you want to choose some music this time?" Phoebe offered to the grumpy girl. Regina smiled at her selflessness. Gretchen also smiled slightly for once.
"Sure!" She replied, taking the controls and putting on some Taylor Swift. Regina rolled her eyes at the basic choice and Phoebe lightly slapped her arm, noticing her judginess. Regina gasped jokingly, making Phoebe laugh.

Phoebe then said, "Oh my god! I love this song!" New Romantics by Taylor Swift was playing.
"Me too!" Gretchen exclaimed happily, glad she was getting some validation for once.
"You have great taste!" Phoebe complimented in efforts to make up for Regina's constant judgemental behaviour to the poor girl. Gretchen just grinned in response happily. She realised that Phoebe wasn't the problem - she was actually nice - but it was Regina. All this time, Gretchen had brushed off Regina's rude behaviour as being her love language, but she realised she was grasping at straws and Regina actually wasn't that great of a person, in her opinion. She thought about how Phoebe was wayyyy too good for Regina and that they definitely did not belong together.

Soon, they made it to school.

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