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Everyone ended up sleeping over at Regina's that night, though they only got to bed at around 2am because they were busy binge watching 90s romcoms. After they all decided to go to bed, Gretchen and Karen snuggled up together on Regina's couch; it was tiny, but they didn't care - the closer the better. Damien and Janis slept on air mattresses on the floor as they both refused to sleep in the same bed as Phoebe and Regina; "Ew, I don't want to sleep next to you guys while you secretly bang each other." Janis said when Phoebe offered, screwing up her face while speaking.

"Oh well, more room for us!" Regina grinned. Phoebe smiled back; she knew they didn't need all the room, as they'd probably end up sleeping against each other or tangled up and basically one with each other, but it would still be nice.


Phoebe awoke later that morning sprawled on top of an already awake Regina, her brown hair an absolute mess. Regina laughed at her girlfriend as Phoebe propped her head up, sleep still evident in her face.

Phoebe then looked around, "Hold on, where are the others?"
"They left a couple hours ago, it's just us two!"
"Whoa, how long was I asleep?"
"A while. It's almost 12."
Phoebes eyes widened, "Shit." She mumbled; it was almost halfway through the day and she had planned to get her outfit for the Spring Fling sometime that day. She sat up quickly, still on top of Regina.
"Whoa," Regina snickered, resting her hands on Phoebe's legs, "whats with the hurry?"

"I just was supposed to get a dress for the Spring Fling sometime today and it's almost too late!" She said, panicked. Regina rubbed her hands up and down her girlfriend's thighs in an effort to comfort her.
"It's okay, you've still got the whole afternoon!"
Phoebe sighed, "Well, I'd better get going. I have no idea what I'm going to wear! Have you picked out your dress yet?"
"Of course! But you can't see, it's a surprise." Regina smirked. Phoebe sighed again, rolling her eyes. With that, she got out of Regina's bed and headed to her closet, planning on borrowing some of her girlfriend's clothes so she wouldn't have to go home first to change.

She sifted through Regina's seemingly hundreds of clothes, before her eyes landed on a pair of yoga pants and a baggy shirt. This will do, she thought to herself, grabbing them out and quickly changing into them.

She then headed back out into Regina's room. "Damn, you look good in my clothes." Regina flirted, which made Phoebe blush.
"I know." Phoebe said, trying to sound nonchalant. Regina giggled, then pulled Phoebe closer to her by the bottom of her shirt. Phoebe then leaned down to lock lips with the sitting blonde. Both girls melted into the kiss, intoxicated by the other's touch. Soon, Phoebe pulled away; she really had to go if she was gonna find a dress today.

"Bye!" She told Regina as she headed out the door with her things.
"Bye! Send me pictures, okay?"
"But what if I want it to be a surprise? You're not showing me yours..." Phoebe teased.
Regina jokingly rolled her eyes, "Yeah, that's because I wanna see your eyes pop out of your head on the night of the dance when you see how good I look."
Phoebe smirked at the overconfident girl, though she was right; Regina would absolutely look drop dead gorgeous.


After hours of searching for a dress, Phoebe finally found the perfect one. It was a long strapless purple velvet dress with a subtle floral pattern etched into it. She had gasped when she saw it in the store, knowing immediately that it was the one. She bought it and then headed home, for the first time excited about a school dance.


On Monday during homeroom, the nominees for Spring Fling King and Queen were announced. As per usual, Regina, Gretchen and Karen were all up for Spring Fling Queen. Phoebe smiled when Regina's name was read out, happy for the girl. What she didn't expect was for her own name to be called out. Janis and Damien turned around to congratulate the shocked girl, "Okay, popular girl," Janis complimented while Damien quietly clapped. Phoebe smiled, still surprised by her name being called; who had even nominated her?

Then, the Spring Fling King nominees were announced; just like every year, Aaron was in the running, as well as Shane Oman and a couple other jocks. Phoebe was happy for her brother and knew he probably would end up winning.


In PE, Regina congratulated her girlfriend on her nomination. "Same to you!" Phoebe replied, "But, how was I even nominated?"
"Let's just say I pulled a few strings." Regina grinned maniacally.
Phoebe gawked at the girl, "What did you do?"
"Nothing! Just convinced a bunch of people to vote for you."
"Oh my god! No, why would you do that? I don't wanna be Queen!"
"Oh, come on! If you're queen you get a free voucher for two to Waffle House. We could go on a date with that. Don't you want it?"
"I guess so," Phoebe said, slightly more convinced.

"And, you get the first dance so everyone will be watching us dance."
Phoebe screwed up her face, "No! I don't want that!"
"You're too socially anxious for your own good! Don't you wanna be able to say you were crowned Spring Fling Queen and danced with your really hot girlfriend in front of everyone and everyone was so jealous?"

Phoebe smirked, the blonde did have a point; it would give her massive bragging rights. "Okay, fine. But, that's only if I actually win! Which is highly unlikely, you probably will like you have every year."
Regina smirked at the girl, secretly up to something.

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