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Phoebe had mixed feelings about her PE class on Friday. On one hand, she was excited to see Regina, but having to talk to her was another story. As she got changed, she noticed the surprising lack of Regina present in the change rooms. Hmmm must be my lucky day I guess, Phoebe thought. Just as she had been comforted by the idea that she wouldn't have to interact with the blonde girl that day, Regina had burst through the change room door, flustered and sweaty. Phoebe sighed; she had spoke too soon.


"Alright," Coach Carr bellowed to the class, "Today we will be playing an actual game of soccer, so hopefully you've practiced your drills enough. To make this fair, we will split into two teams where the partners I assigned MUST be on opposite teams." Phoebe sighed again; having to practice with Regina was one thing, but having to verse her in an actual game was another thing. Regina was actually really good at soccer, which had surprised Phoebe. Maybe I could get her to join the actual team, she thought to herself, then I finally wouldn't be the only girl. She laughed to herself, as if Regina would be caught dead on a soccer field when she could be at the mall instead.


The game was heated, the teams were neck in neck. Phoebe had scored 4 goals for her team and had a handful of assists. Regina had also scored 4 goals. The two girls narrowed their eyes at each other as they realised they were tied; it became their competition against each other, disregarding the fact that the entire class was playing. Regina glared intently at Phoebe as she began to dribble the ball to the other side. Before she could reach the goal, Phoebe swooped in and managed to gain possession of the ball, taking it back to the other end. Regina grunted, annoyed at the tough game. She angrily ran to the other side to catch up with Phoebe, and in one swift swoop of her leg, she managed to trip her up and successfully regain possession of the ball. As Regina turned around and began to dribble the ball back to the other end, Phoebe - still on the ground - stuck her leg out, tripping Regina up. She fell face first next to Phoebe and fell into a silent rage as she lifted herself up off the ground. Phoebe, who had since gotten up, couldn't contain her laughter and became hysterical. This tipped Regina over the edge and she lunged at Phoebe, tackling her to the ground. I can get used to this position, is all Phoebe was thinking despite hitting her head hard on the ground and her body aching. Regina began to writhe around, mounting Phoebe and wrestling her.

"Okay that's enough! Break it up ladies. Both of you, to the principals office NOW." Coach Carr bellowed at the girls. They both scoffed in unison as Regina climbed off of Phoebe, getting up. They both made their way up to Mr Duvall's office, Regina storming in front while Phoebe hung back, not eager to walk side by side with the blonde girl.

They received a stern lecture from Mr Duvall, who then forced them to attend after school detention for every day the following week or until they learned to be civil with each other. Regina rolled her eyes and glared at Phoebe. "But Mr Duvall, she started it! Why should I be punished?" Regina whined.

Phoebe scoffed "As if! You tripped me first!"
"No I didn't!"
"Yes you did!"
"No I-"
"Okay that's enough girls! You two need to learn to be nice to one another or you'll be spending the rest of the month in after school detentions."
Both girls fell silent, Regina crossing her arms over her chest.
"Okay, if that's all you can return back to class. I'll see you in detention this afternoon."
Regina and Phoebe hopped up in unison and trudged outside, both fuming at the other.

"Thanks a lot! Now because of you we have detention together." Regina growled.
"Don't act like you're so innocent in all this!" Phoebe countered.
Regina replied with a hmpf and began to walk back to class, leaving Phoebe in her dust.

This is gonna be hell, Phoebe thought to herself.

World Burn - Regina George [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now