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The next morning, Regina picked Phoebe up again. This time, though, she wasn't outside waiting for her. Regina honked the horn, thinking maybe Phoebe didn't notice they had pulled up. She tapped her fingers on the steering wheel nervously, thinking about the suspiciously dry messages the brunette had sent the afternoon before. Then finally Phoebe walked out the door. A huge smile appeared on Regina's face as her eyes landed on her girlfriend. Phoebe trudged to the car, in a bad mood. She hopped in the front as Regina looked over to her, her smile dropping when she noticed Phoebe was no longer wearing the 'R' necklace.

"Hey, you alright? What's the matter? Where's your necklace?" Regina asked sincerely, patting Phoebe's thigh. Phoebe just looked out the window, mumbling "Oh, sorry. Must've forgotten it." She didn't want to confront Regina in front of her friends. Gretchen grinned from the backseat; her and Cady's plan seemed to be working. Karen looked over at the girl with her eye raised suspiciously. Gretchen just put her pointer finger to her lips, motioning her to be quiet. This made Karen even more confused. Karen was so confused that her head hurt and it definitely didn't help that she had stayed up all night trying to do her homework, so she rested her head on Gretchen's shoulder. Gretchen blushed and looked down at her friend, wondering: whoa, why'd that make me flustered?


The first couple classes went by in a blur as Phoebe was too deep in thought to focus. She had really trusted Regina, and couldn't believe how quickly Regina betrayed her.

At lunch, Phoebe sat with the Plastics again, not having anyone else to go to. She was still acting sort of quiet, and Regina was worried. "Hey, do you wanna go to the bathroom with me?" Regina asked, wanting to talk in private as there was obviously something up with Phoebe. Phoebe just shook her head no. "Come on, please?" Regina begged. Phoebe sighed and followed Regina to the bathrooms. Regina pulled Phoebe into the furthest stall and locked the door behind them.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Regina looked down at the brunette, concerned.
"Why don't you tell me?" Phoebe snapped. Regina was taken aback.
"I'm sorry, I don't know what you're talking about?"
"Oh, please. Don't act like you're so innocent. You know, I really liked you and I thought you liked me too, but I guess that was all just a lie? I can't believe I ever trusted you."
"Hold on, what are you even talking about? What did I do?"
"You cheated! And I can't believe you don't have the nerve to even admit it." Phoebe exclaimed loudly. Regina's eyes widened at the accusation.
"What? No, I didn't cheat on you! Who told you that?"
"Aaron." Phoebe crossed her arms.
"Well he's a liar. I wouldn't cheat on you!" Regina said, reaching her hand out to hold Phoebe's face.
Phoebe swatted it away, "I'm sorry, but with your track record I'm not sure I believe you."

Regina looked at the girl in shock and hurt. Tears welled up in Regina's eyes as Phoebe exited the stall, storming off. Regina sat down on the closed toilet, heartbroken. She knew she had maybe cheated in the past, but this time she didn't! And when even could she? The two girls hung out alllll the time. She knew that she would do whatever it takes to prove that she hadn't cheated and regain Phoebe's trust. First, she'd have to take down Aaron for saying such lies.

In the next stall over, Cady and Janis were listening. Cady had filled Janis in on her little plan, which Janis approved of; taking Regina down while proving to Phoebe that she shouldn't date her? Sounds like the best plan ever, and Phoebe would then come crawling back to Janis telling her she was right all along! They quickly exited and headed back to their lunch table before Regina left.


After school, Phoebe wasn't up to soccer practice so she went straight home. Aaron, on the other hand, stuck around.

"Hey, Aaron!" He heard an all too familiar voice yell out at him from across the oval. He looked up, seeing Regina storming towards him. He rolled his eyes, mad at the blonde for breaking his little sister's heart. Regina's eyes narrowed down on Aaron as she quickly approached. Aaron stood up as Regina stood face to face with him, arms crossed and fuming in anger.

"What, Regina?"
"Why did you tell Phoebe I cheated on her?"
"Because you did? God, you really hurt her you know? She really liked you."
Regina frowned guiltily even though she hadn't actually done anything, "But I didn't! Why would I even do that? I know that I've cheated in the past maybe but I really like Phoebe too and I wouldn't do that to her."
"Well, Cady said you did. With Madison Kerr?"
Regina fumed, "Why would you even believe her? You know she has a crush on Phoebe and she's probably trying to win her over."
Aaron's eyes widened, realising his mistake, "Oh, shit. Wait, so you actually didn't cheat on her? Because if I find out you're lying..."
"No! I didn't cheat on her! I haven't even seen Madison since Phoebe and I've gotten together and besides Phoebe and I are hanging out all the time, when would I get the chance?"
"Oh, damn, I'm really sorry."
"So, what do we do? Can you help me win her back?"
Aaron nodded in response.


Back at home, at the same time the above was happening, Phoebe heard a knock on her front door. She opened it, met face to face with Janis who looked at the girl in pity.

"I heard about you and Regina, I'm so sorry." Janis said sincerely, giving Phoebe a hug.
"Yeah, I guess you were right." Phoebe admitted, her throat horse from crying.
"Hey, what did I tell you? Plastic bitch!"
Phoebe laughed, "I really missed you Janis. I'm really sorry."
"No, I'm really sorry, I should've been there for you no matter what! Best friends again?"
Phoebe smiled, "Yep!" She said, pulling Janis into her home. They spent the rest of the afternoon watching movies.

Janis somewhat felt guilty about lying to Phoebe and about Cady making up this whole thing, but she figured it would've happened sooner or later, so what's the big deal? She was just glad to have her best friend back, and she knew Phoebe was glad too.

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