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The next day in PE, Phoebe and Regina were yet again paired up to do drills together. This would be the case for the whole term, as Coach Carr mentioned that the partners he assigned were permanent. When Regina heard this news, she groaned loudly, making sure everyone was aware of her displeasure towards this news.

"Listen, I'm not happy about this either." Phoebe told Regina. Regina just rolled her eyes in response.

"Please, as if you wouldn't kill to be partnered up with me. I see the way you look at me when I'm with your brother. You're like in love with me or something."

Phoebe scoffed, "What the hell? You're so self centred that you just think everyone's in love with you? I'd rather die than date you. Just because I'm gay doesn't mean I go for any girl, especially not a self absorbed Plastic bitch like you!" She replied heatedly. Regina stood there dumbfounded. She even looked a little hurt, Phoebe thought. Please, as if. Regina stood there frozen for another minute before storming off to the change rooms, clearly hurt. Gretchen swiftly followed after her, not before shooting Phoebe a dirty look. Did I just get to Regina? Phoebe thought to herself. Hah, as if.

Regina didn't come out of the change room for the rest of the period, leaving Phoebe confused. As Phoebe entered the change rooms and rounded the corner to the shower stalls, she heard a faint sob coming from the furthest stall, along with two voices whispering unintelligibly. Curiosity got the better of her and she entered the stall next door, gently closing the door in order to not make a sound. She then sat down and listened intently through a crack in the wall, trying to make out what the conversation entailed.

"I don't even know why that affected me so much, like I get called that all the time and I don't even care so why did this hurt me so bad?"

"Maybe you just want her to like you because she's Aaron's sister?"

"I guess, but I've never cared about it before so why now?"

"It's okay, you're going through stuff right now, you're probably just more sensitive. Do you want me to braid your hair?"

"God Gretchen! No one touches my hair except me, you know that!"

"Sorry, sorry." Gretchen feverishly replied.

Phoebe felt pity for Gretchen; she was treated like Regina's personal servant, waiting on her hand and foot, and got no appreciation in return. It reminded Phoebe of a puppy who followed its owner around in case they dropped crumbs or gave it a pat. She laughed imagining Gretchen as a puppy, maybe a bit too loudly.

"Who's there?" Regina's voice sounded. Phoebes eyes widened as she fell silent, careful not to move a muscle. "Seriously, I can hear you! Show yourself." Suddenly, the next door stall's door flung open, banging into the wall and Regina started pounding on Phoebe's stall door. Phoebes eyes widened even more in fear; if Regina knew it was her eavesdropping, she'd get the ass kicking of a lifetime. "I'm staying here until you come out biotch. I've literally got all day."

Phoebe took out her phone to text Janis in hopes that she would save her.

Janis 🎨

Pheebs 👽
SOS come quick to gym change rooms!
I'm stuck in the showers and Regina is nearly banging down the door!!

Janis 🎨
Please, what did you do now?
Anyways, isn't this like your dream scenario?

Pheebs 👽
No!! My nightmare scenario.
I was eavesdropping and they heard me and now I'm screwed HELPPPP

Janis 🎨
Girl you're such an idiot why would you do that?
Fine, I'm coming.

The room goes quiet for a bit as the sound of receding footsteps echo on the tiles, and Phoebe breathes a sigh of relief. Then, she hears the thump of of Janis' boots, a usually annoying sound but right now sounding like guardian angels singing. Janis raps on the door. "Pheebs, you in there? Literally what are you even hiding for, there's no one else here."

Phoebe slowly opens the stall door and meets eyes with Janis. Janis laughed at the pitiful sight, reminiscent of how they found the new girl the day before. "Come on loser, lets go." She holds out her hand for Phoebe to take, and they link arms as the walk out of the change rooms and to the cafeteria.

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