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That afternoon, Janis, Damien, and Phoebe met Cady in a secluded area outside of school to debrief.
"What were they talking about at lunch today? They kept looking over at us." Phoebe questioned.
"Oh, not really anything. They were just talking about Regina having to 'put up with you' in PE."
Janis scoffed, "More like Phoebe had to put up with her."
"And then what happened?" Damien urged.
" I told Karen and Gretchen who my crush was, and they freaked."
"Wait, who's you're crush?"
"Uhhhhh... Aaron Samuels?"
"My brother?? No!! Ew!!" Phoebe shrieked.
"Besides, he's basically Regina's property. She would actually kill you." Janis chimed in. Phoebe rolled her eyes. She secretly wished she was Regina's property, to be honest.
"Yeah, that's what they told me."

Regina and her two sidekicks then burst out the school doors, heading straight towards where the four were talking. Janis, Damien, and Phoebe all disappeared behind a nearby bush, leaving Cady to face the Plastics herself.

"Were you just talking to Freaky Samuels?" Gretchen inquired.
"Don't call her that Gretchen, it's mean." Regina said, "Were you though? Because she's bad news. I dated her brother Aaron and whenever I was over at their house I'd catch her staring at me from like around the corner. She's weird. Anyways do you want to come to mine this afternoon? I have some shoes I want to give you."
"Uh sure! I'll catch up to you!" Cady replied.

The Plastics went on their way as the other three came out from behind the bushes.
"Okay what the hell? She's so rude!" Janis said.

Before anyone else could speak, Regina's sickening hot pink Jeep pulled up to the sidewalk and Cady jogged over.

"How about we go get some ice cream?" Phoebe asked, "My treat! Then we can go back to mine and watch a scary movie."

"Sounds great!" Janis draped her arms over her two friends shoulders and they all headed to her car.

World Burn - Regina George [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now