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Now that they had been exposed, Regina and Phoebe could be out in peace, which they took full advantage of. They were walking down the halls to their next period hand in hand when all hell suddenly broke loose.

People were shouting at their friends, shoving pieces of paper in each other's faces, accusing them of being behind it. Regina smirked at the chaos, glad that her master plan was working. Phoebe shot her a look that asked, what did you do? Regina just smugly shrugged in response.

As they were walking, Phoebe stood on a piece of paper and almost slipped. She bent over and picked it up, reading it; It said "Regina is a fugly cow" in bright pink marker, a photograph of the blonde taped to the page. Phoebe looked at the page, confused, while Regina pretended to be shocked and offended.

"Who wrote this?" She yelled. The halls went silent, everyone turning to look at her, "'Regina is a fugly cow'? Come on, at least be a bit more creative." She scoffed and rolled her eyes. Phoebe then noticed a page with her name written on it taped to a locker. Still holding Regina's hand, she walked over to it, Regina in tow. She inspected the page; it had "I wish Phoebe would eat my box" written on it with kisses and hearts scattered around a picture of her from the yearbook. Phoebe looked at Regina, a disgusted look on her face. "What? She's in love with you, totally believable she'd write something like that." Regina laughed as Phoebe rolled her eyes.

"Who called me a grotsky biotch?" Trang Pham suddenly squawked, turning to her friend Livinia, who looked back at her with confusion plastered on her face. Trang then growled, lunging at Livinia and knocking her into a nearby locker. Everyone who was once silent had now descended into a rampage: people's hair was being pulled, people who were once best friends' relationships were in shambles, and most of the girls were crying out of anger and embarrassment.

Regina stood there arms crossed, smirking at the disaster she had caused. Phoebe looked on in fear and worry; she hadn't realised this was Regina's master plan, she thought she had just handed the book in and it would be handled privately. She admired her girlfriend's scheming, though, as it was definitely successful.

"Janis is a party pooper?" Janis scoffed from a few metres behind the girls, holding a page she had picked up off the ground.
"Damien is too gay to function?" Damien squawked, placing a hand on his chest in shock.
"That's only okay if I say it!" Janis exclaimed.
"There's only one person who could've done this..." Damien said.
"Two! Cady or Phoebe!" Janis exclaimed. Regina cringed; in setting Cady up by writing down the snide remark she has made, she had also inadvertently set up Phoebe.
"Phoebe wouldn't do this though, she hasn't got a bad bone in her body." Damien defended the girl; he had been conflicted about this feud between Janis and Phoebe, especially since he knew Phoebe would never do anything intentionally malicious and he thought Janis overreacted.
Janis rolled her eyes, "Thats true, I guess. But she's mad at us right now, so she might have."
Damien sighed, unconvinced, "Come on, we've known her for ages! I trust her more than Cady. What's to say she wasn't a double agent? She seemed a little eager to spy on the Plastics..." He trailed off.
Janis nodded slowly; he had a point. Regina grinned, relieved that Phoebe was such a genuinely good person that even the people she was in an active feud with would never expect her to stoop so low. She couldn't say the same for herself, though.

Soon after, Cady walked through the hall. Phoebe and Regina glared at her. Cady glared back as she quickly walked by, holding on hard to her backpack straps. When she reached Janis and Damien, she was met with the cold shoulder. The two turned away angrily, icing her out. Cady stood there, dumbfounded as the others walked away. Regina and Phoebe looked at her, glad their plan was working.

Suddenly, the fire sprinklers turned on. Everyone in the hallway gasped as cold water sprayed on them, soaking their clothes and making the paper that was scattered on the floor soggy.

"Alright, that's enough!" Principal Duvall bellowed, "All girls in Junior year to the gymnasium NOW!"

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