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Regina and Phoebe once again walked into school together, the other two girls in tow. Phoebe rest her head on Regina's upper arm as she hugged her arm affectionately. Just then, one of the jocks yelled out "Phoebe Samuels likes eating box!"

Regina halted, her high heeled shoes smacking the ground harshly. She wheeled around to the direction the voice came from, a scowl on her face. Phoebe let go of Regina, shocked and offended by the jock's sudden outburst. Regina then clomped in her heels over to the jock, shoving him up against the locker and gripping his shirt collar, making a loud bang. The other students in the hall went silent, watching in fear of the school's 'apex predator'. She then growled in his face, "What did you say?"

"N-nothing!" He sputtered out nervously.
"That's what I thought." Regina replied, giving him one final shove before releasing her grip. She then walked back over to Phoebe - who was stood there, mouth agape - and linked her arm into hers and smiling down at her; "Does anyone else have an issue?" Everyone shook their heads quickly. Regina smirked, then pulled Phoebe away.

"Whoa, that was hot!" Phoebe complimented, turned on by Regina's protectiveness.
Regina smiled, "No one messes with my girl." She replied as Phoebe blushed at the pet name. Then, they rounded the corner to Phoebe's first class. "Thank you," Phoebe said sincerely. Regina just grinned in response, then kissed her on the cheek.

Before Regina had the chance to walk away, the two girls heard a familiar voice snicker from beside them. They both turned their heads, face to face with Janis.

"What's your issue, party pooper?" Regina sassily asked.
"Oh, nothing, just love seeing you and your latest body practically on top of each other outside of my classroom at 8am." Janis replied, her voice dripping in sarcasm. Phoebe rolled her eyes.
"Oh, shut up!" She snapped. Janis was surprised at the usually non confrontational girl suddenly biting back.
"Yeah, you're probably just jealous that no one loves you, freak." Regina chimed in. Janis dramatically rolled her eyes and scowled as she walked into class. Phoebe looked at Regina, uncomfortable with how her previous best friend was now treating her. Regina offered a comforting smile.

"Hey, what do you say we skip class and go study at a coffee shop or something. Then we'll come back for PE?" Regina suggested.
Phoebe smiled, "Sounds perfect!"


In first period, Cady, Janis, and Damien noticed the lack of Phoebe in the class and shared a questioning look. "I literally just saw her outside," Janis said. Then, they huddled their desks closer together.

"So," Janis continued, "How are we gonna take those two fake plastic bitches down? Cady ruined the first attempt by kissing Phoebe and breaking Regina's trust. I still don't get why you did that, I thought you liked Aaron."
"I lied," Cady chuckled nervously, "I like Phoebe. Like, a lot."
"Well, were gonna make sure you get her!" Janis exclaimed, a plan brewing in her head. She then brought out her notebook, drawing a line down the middle and titling one side 'likes' and the other side 'dislikes'.

"Okay, so what you need to know is that Phoebe hates anyone who wrongs her or her friends. Except for Regina, I guess..." Janis continued, writing it down as she went, "So, she's not gonna like you after that crap you pulled on Regina so you really have to make a good impression now." Cady nodded.

"Now, Phoebe has had a crush on Regina since like the 8th grade so it'll take a lot for her to dislike her. You got any ideas on how we do that?" Janis asked.
"Ooh, we say Regina doesn't like the music Phoebe listens to?" Damien suggested. Janis shook her head.
"Ummm, I could see if Aaron has any dirt on her?" Cady offered.
Janis shook her head again, "Does Aaron still even like you? You hurt him pretty bad." Cady frowned, "Ooh! I know! We try to crack poor fragile Gretchen and see if she'll spill any beans!"
"No, that's mean!" Cady shook her head.
"Okay you're right..." Janis trailed off as they all sat in silence, wondering what they could do.


The bell for next class rang as Regina and Phoebe re entered school from their little adventure. They smiled and laughed with each other as they walked to the gym, hand in hand. Cady watched from her locker, fuming in jealousy. She needed Phoebe, and would stop at nothing to break the two girls up. She then came up with a plan: if she somehow convinced Aaron that Regina was cheating on Phoebe, then he'd for sure tell Phoebe and make sure they break up. She grinned maniacally, her plan forming in her head.

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