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As the minutes ticked by and turned into hours, Phoebe grew more and more anxious for her after school detention. This time, she'd actually be forced to speak to Regina and try to be civil in order to make amends. Phoebe didn't want to do this, as Regina was clearly the one in the wrong, in her opinion. The final bell rang, knocking Phoebe out of her spiralling brain. "Oh god," She sighed out anxiously. The packed up her things and headed to the room where the detention would be held.

As she rounded the corner and entered the classroom, Regina - who had already arrived and sat down - looked up and scowled. Phoebe's legs shook; Regina was seriously intimidating. "Are you Phoebe?" The teacher asked. Phoebe nodded. "Perfect, just sit right there next to Regina. I've been told you two need to learn how to get along so I expect you both to be civil!" Phoebe trudged to the desk next to Regina, and sat down in her chair. She looked over to Regina, who was already staring at her.

"So..." Phoebe said, trying to make conversation. If they had to sit through this, the least they could to was try to make the time go faster by talking.
"What?" Regina snapped. Phoebe rolled her eyes. Guess I won't bother then, she thought to herself. Luckily, she had brought her Airpods so she connected them to her phone and put her playlist on shuffle. "Paper Bag" by Fiona Apple filled her ears and she placed her phone down. Regina glanced at Phoebe's screen, noticing what she was listening to.
"Wait, you like Fiona Apple?" Regina asked.
"Yeah, do you listen to her?"
"YE-" she cut herself off, clearing her throat, "No, only when my mom puts it on. It's such old lady music."
Phoebe pulled a face, "Okay then..." she trailed off and resumed her music. She pulled out her math homework and began to work through it. After a few minutes, she reached a question that made her brain hurt. She screwed up her face, deep in thought and trying to solve the math problem. This is why I'm in the lowest math class I guess, she thought to herself. Regina noticed Phoebe struggling and told her "The answer is 2."

"How did you get that?" Phoebe asked, confused on how to even work out the question.
"You just use the Pythagorean theorem and substitute the values you already have been given into it."
This just made Phoebe even more lost. Regina noticed this and sighed, pulling Phoebe's textbook closer to her and grabbing a pen.
"So this is Pythagorean theorem," she said, writing it down on the page, "and then you already know what c and a are," Regina pointed to the values written on the question, "so you put those in where a and c are in the question, and then solve for b." She wrote out all the steps and then wrote down the answer.

"Wow, thanks." Phoebe said sheepishly, turning the book back to herself to read through the process.
"No problem. It took me a while to get it too." Wow, was Regina actually being nice and helpful for once? Phoebe couldn't believe what she was seeing. She worked through the rest of the questions and soon enough it was time to go.
Phoebe gathered her things and headed out to the car park where Aaron was supposed to be waiting to pick her up, though he was no where in sight. She groaned in frustration, of course he forgot! She sat down on the bench and took out her phone, dialing her brothers number. "Come on. Pick upppp." She mumbled as the dialing sound kept repeating. After a minute, she gave up and sighed, hoping that maybe he was on his way and couldn't pick up the phone so she just waited patiently. Regina noticed Phoebe waiting and wondered whether she should offer her a ride. After mulling over she decided she would.

"Hey, do you need a ride? It's really no trouble, I know where you live because of Aaron and it's on my way!"
"That's fine, thank you! Aaron's supposed to be meeting me. He's probably just running late." Phoebe denied.
"Oh, okay then! See you next week." Regina smiled at her.
"Bye!" Phoebe waved and feverishly responded, confused as to why Regina had pulled a sudden 180 and was being friendly. As Regina drove off, Phoebe tapped her foot impatiently. When was Aaron going to get there?

After ten minutes had passed, Phoebe realised he was not coming. She now really wished she had accepted Regina's offer as she would've been home by now if she had. She groaned out in frustration and tried to call Aaron's phone again: still no answer. She yelled out "oh my goddd!" in a frustrated tone and grabbed her bag. She had to walk home now. She stomped all the way home, frustration fuelling her.

As she arrived to her house 20 minutes later, she harshly unlocked the door and opened it, then slamming it behind her. "Aaron?" She yelled out, "Where the hell were you?"
No response.
She stormed up the stairs and barged into his room without knocking. She found him there - fast asleep - next to a girl she didn't recognise who had seemingly just woken up due to the commotion.
"Who are you?" She asked.
"I'm Lily," she replied, "his girlfriend. Who are you?"
With that, Aaron began to stir and slowly wake.
"Phoebe, his sister who he was supposed to pick up an hour ago!" She emphasised the last part.
"Oh, well he was busy." Lily smirked.
"Okay, ew." Phoebe turned to her brother, who had since fully woken up, "What the hell? You were supposed to pick me up!"
Aaron groaned in realisation and smacked his forehead, "Sorry Pheebs, I completely forgot. And then I was busy, and then I guess I fell asleep. How was detention."
"Meh, wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Regina was actually pretty nice for once."
Aaron smirked. He had an inkling that Phoebe liked Regina, as he often found her acting jealous towards their relationship.
"That's good! Are you two in love yet?"
"What? No! You're the one in who was love with her I can hardly stand her!" Phoebe denied, getting flustered.
"Okay..." Aaron just smiled, "Well Lily, I think you should get out of here. Phoebe, do you want to start on dinner? I'll be down in a bit."
"Sure." She responded, setting down her bag in her room then heading downstairs. Aaron soon joined her.

"You know, it's okay if you like Regina. You have my blessing. To be honest, I think she might like you a bit too, she used to ask about you all the time."
"I do not like her! She's so rude to everyone, especially me!" Phoebe exclaimed defensively, "And she probably asked about me in hopes you'd spill something gossip worthy that she could tell her little minions." Phoebe rolled her eyes.
"Sure..." Aaron responded. "Either way, I'm just telling you that it's fine if you do."
Phoebe nodded in response and got on with making dinner, wishing for the subject to change.

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