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That afternoon after school, Phoebe had soccer practice. It was long and gruelling, with many a knock to the side and red card moment. She appreciated that the guys on the team didn't treat her inferior because she was a girl, but did they have to go so hard? She was only small compared to them. The best part about being the only girl on an all boys team was that afterwards she had the whole change room to herself so she was able to have a long shower and scrub off the grass stains and mud that had appeared after she slid and fell while trying to reach the ball.

Her brother Aaron was also on the team as well so she'd often just get a ride home with him. "Regina told me to tell you she's sorry and she wants you back." Phoebe told him as she hopped into the passenger side of his black Range Rover. Aaron scoffed and rolled his eyes as he pulled out of the student car park. "Is that so? Why is she talking to you?"

"We have PE together. I don't even understand why you keep getting back together with her. She treats you like her personal boy toy and you just let her."

"She's just going through some stuff right now..." He trailed off, embarrassed he was making excuses. Though, she had been acting different lately, more distant. In the week before they last broke up, Regina would flake on plans last minute, saying she had SAT prep. He had assumed she was cheating on him, as she was only a junior and didn't have to worry about that yet, but had found no evidence to back up his theory. They ended up breaking up because Regina missed their 6 month anniversary dinner for a study session she had planned with Madison Kerr, her out of school tutor who she had become increasingly close with these past few weeks. He was suspicious, but thought nothing of it.

"Okay, well, I don't think you should take her back." Little did Aaron know, Phoebe thought this for her own selfish reasons - maybe if she wasn't constantly sucking face with her brother, she would see that Phoebe is actually the better Samuels sibling and would take her instead. A girl can dream....

(Filler chapter while I figure out how I'm going to move this plot along further lol)

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