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The week flew by fast, and soon enough it was Friday. Morale was at a high as the next day was the annual Spring Fling - the most popular event at North Shore.

"Hey, do you wanna stay the night at mine tonight? We can do a bunch of self care to get ready for tomorrow?" Regina offered to Phoebe in PE.
"Yes!" Phoebe responded excitedly. Truth be told, she was extremely nervous about the Spring Fling as this was the first time she had been nominated and her date was the most popular girl in school. This meant eyes were bound to be on her at any given moment. Also, everyone wanted Regina George - both guys and girls combined - so she'd likely experience some jealous attention from others as well. Regina grinned at Phoebe; she was also a bit nervous, and knew if she hung out with Phoebe in the lead up it would calm her nerves.


Aaron dropped Phoebe off later at Regina's house as she had to grab a few things from home first. Regina opened the door quickly after Phoebe knocked, a big grin spread across her face. She had remnants of bleach in her hair. "Hey, fake blondie." Phoebe smirked. Regina laughed, faking being offended, "Hey, my natural hair is only a few shades darker. I'm still a natural blonde!!"
"Whatever you say..."
Regina then moved out of the way, letting Phoebe in.

"Hey Phoebe!" Regina's mom greeted her from the sofa.
"Hi, Ms George! How are you?" Regina's mom had slowly warmed up to Phoebe and accepted her and Regina's relationship after seeing how head over heels Regina was for the girl; she talked about her all the time!
"I'm good thank you! Are you excited for the Spring Fling?"
"Yeah!" Phoebe said, slight worry laced in her voice.
Regina's mom picked up on this, "Oh, honey! I bet you'll look gorgeous!"
"Thank you," Phoebe smiled weakly, then was pulled upstairs by an impatient Regina.
"Come on, I've gotta wash this bleach out." She said, Phoebe in tow.

She pulled Phoebe into her room, leading her to the couch and then heading to the bathroom. "Need any help?" Phoebe offered.
"Yes, actually. Can you help me make sure I get all the bleach out?"
"Sure!" Phoebe said, and followed Regina into the bathroom.

Regina positioned herself so she was sitting on the ground, her head leaning above the bathtub. Phoebe then grabbed the shower head, turning it on and beginning to massage the bleach out with her other hand. The fumes of the chemicals filled the room, making Phoebe's nose sting. Soon enough, she managed to get all the bleach out of her girlfriend's hair.

"All done!"
Regina stood up and headed to the mirror to investigate the bleach job. She ran her fingers through her hair, checking every bit.
"Perfect!" She said, "Can you please braid it now?" She asked.
"I thought you didn't let anyone touch your hair..." Phoebe said.
"Oh, come on. You know you're the exception to all that. Please! You have the magic touch." Regina admitted and begged. Phoebe laughed, "Okay fine, blondie." Regina blushed at the pet name.

They then both headed over to Regina's pink couch next to her bed. Phoebe sat on the couch while Regina sat on the ground in front. Phoebe then began slowly brushing through the blonde's damp hair, making sure to get all the knots out. Regina closed her eyes; getting her hair brushed was a therapeutic feeling. Phoebe then separated Regina's hair in two and began to braid it.

"Okay, done!" She said a while later. Regina re entered the bathroom to look in the mirror, smiling at her two braids.
"I look like Pippi Longstocking!" She said, laughing.
"Who?" Phoebe asked.
"Oh my god! You don't know Pippi Longstocking? We have to watch that movie right now! I cant believe I've seen a movie you haven't!" Regina laughed, gobsmacked.
Phoebe raised an eyebrow, "Okay,"

Regina then ran back out to her room, jumping down on her bed and grabbing the TV remote. She then looked through her movies, finally landing on the one she was looking for.
"Okay, this was like my favourite movie as a kid. I reckon you'll love it." Phoebe nodded in response, sitting down next to Regina. Regina put the movie on and instantly knew what she meant when she said she looked like Pippi Longstocking - they both had pigtail plaits in their hair. The similarities ended there, though, as Pippi was a kid with bright red hair and millions of freckles covering her face.


"Wow, I really liked that movie! I cant believe that was your favourite movie as a kid!" Phoebe sighed as the movie finished.
Regina grinned shyly, "What can I say? I had weird taste as a kid." Phoebe laughed.

"So, what self care were you planning on doing?" Phoebe asked.
"I was thinking face masks, mani-pedis and maybe fixing up our brows?" Regina offered, getting up to grab some things.
"Sure, sounds great!"

Regina sifted around in her school bag for something and a note fell out onto the floor. Phoebe, noticing this, asked "What's that?"
"Oh, nothing. Just from a candy cane gram I got. Someone asked me out, but I'm obviously not gonna accept."
"Who?" Phoebe asked, a hint of jealousy present in her voice.
"It was Lilia Matthews."
Phoebe's nostrils flared; her and Lilia had briefly dated.

"Wait, P. Didn't you date her for a while?"
"Yep, but she then broke up with me because she thought she was straight. Guess that's not the case anymore!"
"Oh well, people can change. It was a sweet note to be fair."
"Let me see." Phoebe demanded and Regina obliged, noticing her jealousy.

The note said: You're the most beautiful girl at North Shore High. Fuck Phoebe, let's date! - Lilia.

"Okay shes right, you are for sure the most beautiful girl in the school. But, she's a bitch."
"Are you jealous?" Regina teased.
"Maybe.." Phoebe admitted, mumbling.
"There's nothing to worry about. I'm yours and I don't even like Lilia like that. I just liked the compliment." Regina said, leaning into Phoebe and wrapping an arm around her shoulder.
"Hey, need I remind you what you did to Miley earlier this week? You can't talk about being jealous!"
"Okay, fine. I'll admit I sort of let my jealousy get the better of me, but it's not like you to do that! Please, just leave it!"

"Okay, but if she hits on you at the Spring Fling I'm taking it outside."
Regina laughed at Phoebe's jealous side suddenly popping out.

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