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The next morning, Phoebe stood next to her locker while she waited for Janis to come out of the bathroom so they could head to class together. While she stood there, she daydreamed about what had happened the night before; finally, the thing she had been waiting for so long happened!

As she was off in her own little world, she suddenly realised that the crowd of people in the hallway had suddenly parted, slightly dispersed now. She looked up, finding the cause: Regina had just entered through the front doors. Phoebes heart thudded in her chest as she stared at the girl strutting through the hallway, glaring at anyone who dared make eye contact with her.

Her heart somehow thudded even louder as she realised Regina was headed straight for her. As Regina approached the brunette, they both shared a shy grin.
"Hey, I've realised I don't have your number, can you please give it to me?" Regina asked - well, more like ordered -, handing Phoebe her bejewelled phone. Phoebe quickly typed in her number.
"Thanks, we have a lot to talk about." Regina whispered, then turned her head to Janis, who was now approaching the two girls, and shot her a scowl, looking her up and down before saying: "Hey, party pooper." Janis fumed at the nickname. Regina then turned back to Phoebe and smiled again, saying "Bye!" before sashaying off, putting her signature glare on her face once again. Phoebe waved silently, smiling giddily. She then cringed at herself, realising she hadn't said a word that entire interaction because she was too busy gawking at Regina.

"Why was she talking to you?" Janis questioned.
"Oh, uh, we have a project for PE and she needed my number to discuss it."
"Be careful, she'll probably sign you up for a subscription service or frame you by using your number." Phoebe rolled her eyes; she knew Janis was just being protective but she always thought the worst of every situation.
"It's fine. Let's head to class."


At lunch, Damien and Janis were having a heated debate on what they should watch for their movie night; Janis had picked the classic lesbian film "But I'm a Cheerleader", while Damien had picked the classic straight (but also somehow very gay) vampire film "Twilight". Phoebe had zoned out, her eyes drawn to the Plastics table, where Gretchen and Karen were seemingly debating something. Regina felt someone looking at her and turned to meet there eyes, glaring. Upon noticing it was just Phoebe staring at her, she grinned slightly and rolled her eyes, pointing at Gretchen and Karen, laughing a bit. Phoebe grinned back. Regina then pointed to her phone, signalling that she was about to send her something. Phoebe then pulled her phone out, waiting on the message.

*1 new message from unsaved number*
"They're arguing about whether third cousins count as family because Karen screwed hers 🙄"

Phoebe laughed, saving Regina's contact in her phone then writing a message back.
"Oh my god, did she act-"
"What do you think, Pheebs?" Phoebe was suddenly interrupted by Janis asking her a question.She hurriedly put her phone away before she could finish writing the text.
"Ummm, about what?"
Janis scoffed, "About our weekly movie night tonight? What movie should we watch: But I'm a Cheerleader or Twilight?"
"Oh ummm that's hard." Phoebe said, deep in thought. "I'm gonna go But I'm a Cheerleader, I need some feel-good lesbian action right now." Janis cheered, happy that Phoebe had taken her side, while Damien sighed.
"Okay, well then we're watching Twilight next time." He said. Janis rolled her eyes.
"If we have to..."

Phoebe then looked back up towards Regina, who had a puzzled look on her face, confused as to why Phoebe had left her on read. Phoebe pulled her phone out again, finishing her message and sending it off. She then wrote "Sorry, Janis was asking me what movie I wanted to watch tonight for our weekly movie night."
"Ooh, what movie?" Regina responded promptly.
"But I'm a Cheerleader, heard of it?"
"No, you'll have to show it to me sometime ;)" Regina flirted. Phoebe blushed, imagining watching that movie with her.
"I'd be happy to :)"

Gretchen and Karen then stopped their debate, noticing Regina acting peculiarly and signalling to another person then looking at her phone. "What were you doing Gina?" Gretchen nagged. Regina cringed at the nickname.

"Just swatting a stupid fly that was hanging around. And hey, I thought I told you to stop calling me Gina, I hate that nickname." She spoke sternly. Gretchen's face dropped "Sorry," she trailed off, hurt. Cady looked at the scene unfold, bitter about how Regina could speak to her so-called friend like that. Cady, now aware of Phoebe's crush on Regina and Regina's possible returned feelings, had become more critical of Regina, noticing her flaws. The truth was, Cady had begun to develop a crush on Phoebe as well; she had lied and told everyone that she liked Phoebe's brother Aaron, though she actually liked Phoebe herself. Thus, she became jealous of Regina, wondering what Phoebe saw in her that made her develop such feelings. She also found herself beginning to copy parts of Regina, such as her signature gold "R" chain which Cady begged her mom to get her a matching "C" one.

Cady glared at Regina, internalising her rage; she wanted to take her down.


In the class that Cady, Janis, Damien, and Phoebe all shared, Cady told the three that she had a change of heart, and she would help Janis and Damien take Regina down.
"Now we're talking!" Janis exclaimed, excited she could finally throw her 'revenge party'.
"Let's all discuss further actions this afternoon at Janis'" Damien spoke, and then they all went back to their work.


The rest of the day flew past in a blur, and then it was time for detention. Phoebe parted ways with Janis and Damien, promising to go straight to Janis' after her detention ended, and headed to the class.

Regina was again already at her desk as Phoebe got there, and waved to her. Phoebe waved back, speed walking to the desk next to Regina. "Hey," they both said in unison, then laughed at their synchronisation. Some of the other people in the detention room turned around, shocked to hear Regina genuinely laugh. Regina's face instantly fell as she silenced, turning back to her work. Phoebe stared at her for a second; wow, she really cares about her image, Phoebe thought.

Phoebe yet again had math homework to work on, though this time she knew what she was doing. Still, though, she pretended not to know just so she had an excuse to talk to Regina (she could hear Janis' groan disapproval now: "never act dumb to get someone's attention" she would say).

"Hey," Phoebe said, leaning over and tapping on Regina's shoulder, "Can you help me with this?" She asked.
Regina grinned, "Sure." She responded, pulling Phoebes book closer to her. "So, you just do this," She said, writing down a formula, "And then this," She said, writing down the working out, "and then you get 7!"
"Ohhh I see! Thanks!" Phoebe responded, grinning. Regina just gave a grin in response and went back to her work.

A little while later, Regina turned to Phoebe.
"Hey, did you need a ride home? We need to talk in private," Regina asked, referencing their kiss last night.
Phoebe groaned, "Ohhh so sorry, I actually am going to Janis' straight after this." She frowned.
"Oh, okay." Regina trailed off, disappointment present in her voice. Phoebe frowned; she was tempted to blow off her plans just to get a ride from Regina, but she had been somewhat distant lately and needed to make up for it.
"Thank you, though!" Regina hummed in response. The two girls fell into an awkward silence for the rest of the lesson.

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