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Northshorehighgoss: This just in: Phoebe and Regina back together? The two girls were seen canoodling in Regina's infamous Jeep atop Mount Tam yesterday. Does this mean Phoebe has taken Regina back, despite being cheated on?

Phoebe stared at her phone, eyes wide and toast hanging out of her mouth. She was in the middle of eating breakfast on Monday when Aaron forwarded her the tweet from their school's gossip page. Shit, she thought to herself. She tried to call Regina, but was met with no response. She even double, triple, and quadruple texted her as well but still nothing. Phoebe's stress levels rose, realising that their revenge plan was now in shambles.

"Hey, it'll be okay." Aaron attempted to comfort his extremely tense sister. Phoebe just shook her head in response. Who had been spying on them? And how? She had checked beforehand to see if anyone was around...

She tried to fake being sick, but Aaron pushed her to go to school anyways. Begrudgingly, she had to hitch a ride with her brother as she assumed Janis and the others had likely caught wind of the news by now and Regina was MIA.


At school, she waited impatiently outside her first class, bracing herself for the cold shoulder Janis, Cady, and Damien were likely to give her. As expected, when the trio came waltzing in they walked past her, avoiding eye contact as Damien dramatically flicked his fan, placing a blockade between Phoebe and them. She just sat and stared at them as they walked past. She felt bad for likely breaking Cady's heart, but they weren't so innocent either! They had convinced Phoebe that Regina was cheating on her when she wasn't. She was used as an involuntary pawn in their little game of revenge.


In PE, Regina was nowhere to be found. Phoebe tried to reach out to the blonde again, but still had no success.

Gretchen approached Phoebe during class, asking, "Hey, do you know where Regina is? She's not answering any of my calls." Phoebe just shrugged in response, her mind a million miles away.

"Um, you can sit with Karen and I today if you want? I don't think Regina will be there, but her friends - well, girlfriends - are our friends too! And, we feel bad for you two. It sucks to be exposed like that." Gretchen offered sincerely.
Phoebe weakly smiled at the girl, "Thanks, I might have to take you up on that offer." Gretchen nodded in response, and returned back to what she was doing before she had approached Phoebe.


At lunch, Phoebe was walking towards the Plastics table when she was suddenly harshly yanked sideways. This sent her food tray clattering in the ground, which drew attention. "What the fuck?" Phoebe muttered, looking down as her food on the floor. She then turned to the person who pulled her and glared; it was Janis.

Janis, through a clenched jaw, ordered, "We need to talk, now!"
Phoebe obliged, allowing herself to be pulled by Janis towards the bathrooms. She was beginning to get sick of these bathrooms, nothing good ever happened in them.

"What the hell? Why'd you cheat on Cady? She was like, really in love with you!" Janis bombarded Phoebe with questions.
Phoebe rolled her eyes, "Oh, come on! Don't act like you're so innocent. I know about your little scheme."
"I don't know what you're talking about." Janis replied nonchalantly, crossing her arms.
"Oh, really? So you and Cady didn't tell Aaron that Regina was cheating on me when you know she wasn't, just to break us up? I can't believe I thought of you as a friend, no true friend jeopardises their happiness for a stupid petty thing that happened seven years ago." Phoebe spat.
"Oh, really? No true friend ditches their friends for some bitch." Janis retorted.
Phoebe was taken aback, "You take that back, Regina is not a bitch! It's not my fault you had some unrequited crush on her all that time ago and you screwed it all up."
Janis stayed silent, jaw and fists clenched, "Go have fun with her, you aren't my friend anymore."
Phoebe laughed sarcastically at Janis' childishness, "Fine! Go hang out with Cady, since you guys are such good 'friends'. You know that girl would drop you in a heartbeat if I even looked in her direction. You know what? I think you're jealous, because there was finally a girl you had a crush on that didn't know about your past, and then she liked me!" With that, Janis stormed out of the bathroom, slamming the door harshly behind her. Phoebe sat there, dumbfounded and a little guilty. Oh, come on, that girl needed a serious reality check.

She then slowly walked out of the bathroom, making her way back to the Plastics table where, surprisingly, Regina was sat at. Phoebe walked over to them, a confused look on her face. Regina was smiling at the girl, but the. Frowned when she saw the look on her face. "What's wrong?" She asked.

"Janis and I just had this massive fight, and I don't think there's any turning back now. I told her that I knew about their plan and she acted as if she didn't know what I was talking about. I just can't believe she did that to me, after all these years of friendship."

"I can," Regina replied. Phoebe looked at her, eyebrow raised. Regina hesitated before speaking again, "Listen, you know how I made up that rumour about Janis in the 6th grade? Well, no one knows what happened before that. You see, I had given Janis a bear with a rainbow shirt on, you know, as a way to come out to her. And then, she gave me this disgusted look and told me she couldn't be friends with a 'lez'. So, in an effort to save myself, I made up a rumour that she had shat herself at the dance before she could spread that I had come out to her so then people would think she's just retaliating by saying that." Regina sighed guiltily.

Phoebe looked at the blonde, eyes softening, "Oh, I'm so sorry. I never knew that was what happened. Janis always conveniently left out that part I guess."
"It's okay, it's long before you were here. It's old news, anyways, and karma's gonna get them." She grinned devilishly.
Phoebe grimaced, "Oh, god. What did you do?"

"Let's just say a certain book that says horrible things about every girl in our grade - besides Janis and Cady, conviniently - has landed in the hands of Principal Duvall..."

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