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As Phoebe went back to her lunch table, her three "friends" looked at her expectantly. "So, what'd she say?"

"Oh, just some bullshit about how she didn't cheat, but I don't believe her." Phoebe lied.
Cady laughed nervously, "I'm glad you didn't believe her! You're too good for her anyways." She said, leaning in closer. Phoebe put on a fake smile in response, but backed away from her uncomfortably. Cady didn't notice though, luckily. Then, the bell rang for science class, in which they now had all together.

The desks in science sat two people, so Phoebe made sure that she was with Cady so her and Regina's plan would keep in motion.

"Hey, I just wanted to say thank you for being here for me. I really appreciate it." Phoebe said, faking sincerity.
Cady blushed, "Yeah, no problem! You're my friend, and that's what friends are for."
"Ugh, I just can't believe Regina would do such a thing! Now I don't feel bad that I actually kinda liked it when you kissed me on Halloween." Phoebe lied through her teeth, pretending to get flustered.
Cady's grin grew wide, "Really?" She asked. Phoebe just nodded in response, making Cady blush. Success, Phoebe thought to herself.

A little while later, Cady finally regained the courage to speak up again, "Hey, do you wanna go out for dinner tonight? You know, just us two?" She shyly asked.
"Sure!" Phoebe responded, faking eagerness.
Cady grinned, "Grool!" She said. Phoebe rose an eyebrow, as Cady stuttered, "U-uh sorry, I meant to say great but then I started saying cool." She put her head down in embarrassment.
Phoebe laughed, "Oh, well, grool!" She joked. Cady smiled.


After school, Phoebe recounted the whole class to Regina over text; they thought it would be best to not be seen together in public while they were undergoing their revenge plan, so their main way of communication would be over the phone. Regina was excited that the plan was working, but couldn't help to feel a tinge of jealousy that Cady was going to go out to dinner with Phoebe but she wasn't. Oh well, Regina reassured herself, this is all just pretend; she hates Cady now.

When she had told Karen and Gretchen about the situation, Gretchen seemed suspiciously reactive. "Oh, what? That bitch!" She squawked. Regina was suspicious, but decided to not think anything of it and it was just her friend trying to be supportive.


At home, Aaron finally got the chance to speak to Phoebe.

"Phoebe! Regina isn't act-" He started.
"I now, she's not cheating on me. She told me today."
"Oh, phew," He sighed, "So, does this mean you're back together?"
"Yes, but not publicly. Regina wants to get revenge on Cady so I'm gonna pretend I'm into her instead and lead her on, only to break her heart like she did ours. Can you keep a secret?"
Aaron grinned, pretending to zip and lock his mouth. Phoebe smiled at her brother.

"Anyways, I've got a 'date' with a Cady tonight that I have to get ready for." Phoebe said, heading upstairs.
"Oh, okay. Be careful!" Aaron called out after her. She just waved him off in response.

Phoebe decided that she would go all out with her outfit for her 'date', putting on one of the dresses that Regina had gotten her that hugged her body tightly, showing off every curvature. She also redid her makeup, drawing a more dramatic eyeliner wing than her norm. She was in a toss up between wearing her heels or her docs, but decided to stick with the docs as she was already wayyyy out of her comfort zone. After she finished, she raced down the stairs, grabbing her car keys and purse as she waved goodbye to her brother.

She drove all the way to Cady's house, honking her horn when she got there. Cady stepped outside, close let followed by who Phoebe could only assume was her mother as they looked identical, besides the obvious age difference.

"Hi!" Phoebe greeted Cady.
"Hi, this is my mom. Sorry, she wanted to meet you." Cady said sheepishly.
"Oh, hi! I'm Phoebe!" She introduced herself to Cady's mom.
"Oh, I know! I've heard so much about you!" Her mom said as Cady pushed her, embarrassed by her mom exposing her. Phoebe smiled, but also felt guilty that Cady was seemingly very in love with her and she was leading her on. No, she thought to herself, she deserves this after what she did.


The date went by fairly quickly, being quite uneventful. Phoebe drove Cady back home, and when they approached she thanked her for the good time. Cady then proceeded to lean in to kiss Phoebe, which the brunette blocked. The redhead looked at her, confused.

"Sorry," Phoebe said, "Is it okay if we go slow? I mean I've only just gotten out of a relationship that ended really bad. I need some time." She lied. Cady nodded understandingly, then headed inside, not before saying bye. Phoebe waved, waiting until the redhead was safely inside her house before pulling out her phone to text Regina.

R 💖

Just finished the date. Plan is a success!

Now that you're free...
Please come over to mine now, I need you

Phoebe blushed at Regina's suggestive texts, putting her phone away quickly and setting her car into motion, speeding to Regina's house.

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