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On Monday morning, Regina picked Phoebe up for school; Aaron was still pissed at her for bolting and leaving him hanging for a ride so he couldn't drive her, and then her other option was Janis, which she couldn't do for obvious reasons.

"Love the outfit!" Karen complimented as Phoebe walked out the front door; she was wearing one of the dresses Regina had picked out for her and was honestly slightly uncomfortable with how much cleavage it showed.
"Thanks!" She replied, smiling at the other brunette.

"Get in, loser." Regina smirked at Phoebe, tipping her sunglasses down to look her in the eyes. Phoebe smiled back, and headed to the back door to sit next to Karen - who smiled sincerely at the girl -, since the two front seats were filled. Regina then turned to Gretchen, who was in the passenger seat, and ordered, "Move!"
Gretchen rolled her eyes and sighed but did as she was told, climbing over into the backseat. Regina then tapped the empty passenger seat, motioning for Phoebe to sit there.

"You're up here with me, babe!" Regina smiled, putting a hand on Phoebe's thigh. Phoebe heard Gretchen scoff from the backseat, seemingly jealous about Phoebe taking Regina's attention.
"What?" Regina snapped at Gretchen, picking up at her indignation.
"It's just, why does she get to sit up front? I've been your best friend for like your entire life and now I'm just demoted because Phoebe's in the picture?" Gretchen whined jealously.
"God, Gretchen! You're so needy. I'm allowed to have other friends, and besides, she's my girlfriend now?" Phoebe grinned: they hadn't technically discussed whether they were girlfriends yet, "You'll just have to get used to it." Regina shrugged. Gretchen crossed her arms, slouching in her seat.


As the Plastics - now plus Phoebe - strutted through the front doors, everyone stopped and stared. Regina and Phoebe walked in the middle, hand in hand, while Gretchen and Karen walked just behind. Every now and then, Phoebe would overhear a passerby's whisper.

"What's Regina doing?"
"Is she dating Phoebe?"
"What is Phoebe wearing?"
"Is that an R necklace on Phoebe?"
"Oh I wish I was them!"

Phoebe was still uncomfortable with how much attention was suddenly on her, but deep down she liked how much everyone suddenly cared about her. Regina and the other two girls walked Phoebe to her first class, which she unfortunately shared with Janis, Cady, and Damien. Her heart thudded in her chest as she approached the door. Upon reaching the door, Regina turned to Phoebe and said, "Bye, I'll see you next period!" And kissed her cheek. Phoebe mumbled a measly "Bye," and watched as the other three girls walked away. Karen waved goodbye to Phoebe sweetly, though Gretchen just glared and tossed her hair as she turned away jealously.

Phoebe then entered the classroom. She breathed a sigh of relief when she noticed that Janis hadn't arrived yet, so she could at least get settled in. As the class filled up, the space next to Phoebe stayed empty. Phoebe nervously tapped her foot as the desk next to her soon was the only empty one left. Then, Janis trudged in, her signature scowl plastered on her face. If Regina and Janis hadn't had a falling out, Phoebe could see them as being best friends - they were exactly alike.

Phoebe looked up at Janis, who glared back at her. Janis walked around, purposefully avoiding the desk next to Phoebe. She loudly groaned, realising that the only free desk was next to her so-called best friend and trudged over, harshly throwing herself into the seat. Phoebe smiled at Janis, eager to make amends, but was met with an icy attitude.

"Hey, Janis. I'm really-" Phoebe began to apologise, but was met with Janis' hand raised at her face, motioning to her for stop. Phoebe frowned, then turned back to her desk, waiting for the teacher to start the lesson.

"Hey," Phoebe heard someone whisper to her from beside her. She turned, meeting eyes with Maxine O'Connell, one of the wannabe Plastics. Phoebe smiled at her politely.
"So, you're dating Regina right?" Maxine asked.
"Yep, I guess so." Phoebe responded. She heard Janis scoff from beside her so she turned to her and glared. Then, she turned back to Maxine.
"Oh, nice!" She answered, then went silent. Phoebe pulled a confused face at the short conversation.

Later in the lesson, Maxine turned to her again.
"Hey, I'm having a party on Wednesday for my birthday! It'll be fairly low key but I'd love for you and Regina to come!" She said. Phoebe then realised what this was: she was trying to use Phoebe to get in with the Plastics.
"Oh okay, I'll see if I can come!" Phoebe deadpanned as Maxine grinned excitedly.


Later, it was time for PE. Phoebe was very excited for this lesson, as she got to hang out with Regina for the whole time. Phoebe walked into the change room and grinned when she met eyes with Regina, who was already there. She set up at a bench across from Regina and began to undress. Regina started at her as per usual, then impulsively grabbed Phoebe's arm, pulling her along behind as she walked into a shower stall and locked it behind them. Phoebe, confused, barely let out a "Wha-" before Regina's lips were suddenly on hers. Regina had a tight grip on Phoebes waist with one hand, and was grabbing Phoebe's bra-covered boob with the other. Phoebe leaned into the kiss, comforted by Regina's touch. She then pushed her body up against Regina's and grabbed her butt. Regina let out a moan and began to kiss Phoebe more roughly, every now and then biting Phoebe's lower lip. Before they could get any further, Gretchen interrupted the two, yelling "Regina? Are you in there?" From outside the stall.

Regina groaned in frustration, pulling away from Phoebe. She then put on a fake sweet voice, saying "Yep! Be out in a sec!" The two girls then fully separated from each other after having the moment ruined and went back out to the change rooms, finishing getting changed.

Then, they exited the change room together, hand in hand, and headed to the bleachers. They sat at the back, so close that Phoebe was almost sitting on Regina's lap. Regina snaked an arm around Phoebe's waist and rested her hand on Phoebe's butt. Phoebe blushed.

"Okay, class. Today you'll be presenting and teaching your workout routines to the class! Any volunteers to go first?" Coach Carr projected to the class. Phoebe slouched and evaded eye contact, doing everything in her power to make herself invisible so she wouldn't have to go first. Unluckily for her, she was sat next to the most confident girl in school. Regina smugly raised her hand, volunteering the two girls to go present.

"Okay, Regina and Phoebe. Looks like you'll go first." Coach Carr said. Phoebe shot Regina a glare, Regina just smiling.

They headed down to the front of the class. "Okay. All of you get on your feet and find a space." Regina ordered. The class obliged, quickly getting into place. Regina then looked to Phoebe for the next instructions.

"O-okay, so first we're gonna do 10 squats." Phoebe quietly instructed. Regina nudged her, "Speak up." She whispered.

"First, we're going do be doing 10 squats." Phoebe ordered, far louder. The class followed her orders, and so did Regina.
"Okay, great! Now a 30 second plank!" Phoebe ordered again once they were finished. Some people in the class groaned.
"Hey, you heard the girl! Do it now!" Regina snapped. Everyone fearfully obliged. Phoebe smiled at Regina, amused by her power.

The rest of their routine went smoothly from there, and soon enough they were done and now had to follow Gretchen and her partner's routine.

"Okay!" Gretchen squeaked, "First, we're gonna do 20 star jumps."
Regina groaned; she couldn't be bothered doing anything else. Gretchen, as if she had super hearing, somehow overheard this and sincerely said, "Regina, you don't have to do it if you don't want to!"
Regina scoffed, "Oh, so you don't think I can do a measly 20 star jumps?"
Gretchen quickly backtracked, "No, no! I didn't mean it like that!" She stumbled over her words nervously.
"Whatever," Regina waved her hand, signalling for Gretchen to keep going. Phoebe laughed quietly at the interaction, causing Regina to turn to her and ask, "What?", slightly smiling.
"Nothing." Phoebe replied, trying to stifle her laughter. They both then went back to following Gretchen, though not without some resistance from Regina.

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